Hamstrings for Squats

I Have been training my hamstrings up to 2-3x a week to hepl increase my squat I Have been doing stiff legs and sumo stiff leg to help my hips and hamstrings will these movements help my squat

add some weighted GHRs

I don’t Have a glute ham raise machine at my house so will these work

Dont forget the quads! I see so many lifters do this!

My weakness is coming out of the hole lockout is a piece of cake

I have honestly never done much glute or ham work. If i became weak out of the hole i would program in Heavy paused squats for triples. Although glute and ham work definetly matter. You can never get enough. For me i havent felt the need to work on them alot yet im sure some day i will. Try paused squats and work on extra glute and ham work feed two beasts at once the hell with it. You are bound to get stronger.

Thank you

Ah, sorry the GHR bit doesn’t help you at all. Deficit DLs always give me good ham work

They work for me i just don’t Have the equimpent

I’m going to second the recommendation of paused squats – I’ve been doing them for a while now and find they really help build the posterior chain. Taking a couple of breaths in the hole and disabling the stretch reflex makes the movement for me almost exclusively hams and glutes.

Stiff leg deadlifts from a deficit helped my squat out of the hole noticeably.

^^Listen to this guy^^ he squats over 315, if you want your squat to move past comercial gym level, ‘‘wow 315’’, and get with the big boys over 500, you have to hammer your postior chain - deadlift - defict deads - goodmorning - dimmel deads - RDL’s - Box squats, Notice everyone who squats big weights spends lots of time on that list of exercises. On the box squats, set the box to paralle, and push your butt way back, so when your on the box, your feet are out front of your knees, can’t do this with regular squats, when you explode off the box from this position, your hips, hams, and butt have to do all the work.

Paused squats are great as well, and can be programed in, but you need exercises that overload your body, and postior chain. If you want your squat to move forward, squat more, 2-4 times a week, pick a different version each time - front squat - reg squat - box squat - paused squat, then follow it with a postior exercise from list above. Goodluck, and no I’m not a geared lifter

I squat 800lbs in wraps and a belt I just need them to get stronger

God this is laughable

You squat 800 and you don’t know if SLDLs will help your squat???

[quote]mahwah wrote:
You squat 800 and you don’t know if SLDLs will help your squat???[/quote]

This guy is a fucking joke and has a excuse for every reason why he cant get a video.

Damn man i cant get a video of my meet either…

I got a 900 lb atg squat beltless ( they stuck an rpg up my ass before the lift.)

I got a 1000 lb deadlift beltless

I got a 800 lb raw bench

All lifts done at 115 raw

[quote]jkondash89 wrote:
Damn man i cant get a video of my meet either…

I got a 900 lb atg squat beltless ( they stuck an rpg up my ass before the lift.)

I got a 1000 lb deadlift beltless

I got a 800 lb raw bench

All lifts done at 115 raw [/quote]

I dunno, does an RPG up your ass helping your squat count as raw? Wait a second, I can imagine that getting pretty raw… so I guess so :slight_smile:

800lb raw squat is better than my mentor Jay Nera, and since he’s trading the world recored back and forth with Dan Green, I guess that must be who you are. LOL The list of peolle who can squat 800 raw is real short, like count on one hand short. I was trying to help, and give some solid advice, your an idiot, and I’m done. Reed, JK, Mahwah, Dr J, wow you have some good solid poster’s here, why not be humble, and learn somthing. It’s not even worth making fun of this guy, to easy. We could have some fun with this idiot Reed, but I got better things to do. Latter

Man if you wouldve said something like i got a 525 lb squat or something i may have believed you. But even then you should know what accessory work works for you even to get that far. If you give us your real numbers we would be glad to help. But dont take our kindness for ignorance.