Half way through my first cycle and I am running Test and deca doing 150 mg twice a week, I’ve got another 5 weeks left and was wondering if it would make a difference if I upped it to say 180mg twice a week of test?
Reason I’m thinking this, is to maximize any gains I can get.
I am seeing slight results but was hoping for more than what I have had so far.
So wasn’t sure if it will make much of a difference adding the extra or just stick to what I am doing?
Post a pic of your best physique so we can see what’s going on.
As far as upping by 60mgs a week, no you wont notice much. Dosages are low, and the results are according to the dosages.
Unless you look like crap(thats why pics are needed) there is no reason to run test lower than 500 and deca also. Even then, that is strictly first cycle dosage, and wont produce WOW effect unless you are small and undertrained as fuck.
Unless pictures would suggest your problem is with training or eating, id say double the doses and run 12 more weeks.
Flexed and unflexed, I’ve gained about 3 kgs since starting
I’m about to start eating more as well and see if that helps as well.
But as it was my first cycle I wasn’t sure if I should do more or just keep it the same for the remainder of the cycle
Whats your height and weight?
I’m 5 foot 9 and roughly 82kgs
Do you have a specific goal for this cycle? Are you bulking, cutting, recomping…? If you aren’t on TRT already, I would stop the deca now and up the test to 500mg/wk. Your dick and HPTA will thank you later.
In that case, id say stop the cycle and stay on TRT for like 6 months until you learn to eat a bit more and train for progress. Your bodyweight is below what i would suggest a person to start steroids. Your dosages are low but you should be around 90kgs natural to even start steroids. It means the problem is in training or eating.
Just trying to add some size to be honest been trying for years and never really got much out of it so thought I would try it out.
It’s funny I seem to be more Tooey than ever and have no issue with the deca Dick I have heard about but don’t wanna risk that happening.
What exactly have you eaten the last three days down to the gram?
How exactly is your training set up over the course of the week?
Based off of the pics you provided, although you didn’t mention your training routine or any of your lifts by which we could judge your true physical development, my best advice to ‘adding some size’ would be to eat and train for it.
Build a foundation of strength by learning and excelling in the major barbell compound lifts which will help with any and all future bodybuilding aspirations. In order to build this foundation means eating at a surplus. Which means gaining muscle as well as some fat. Which is ok since muscle and fat is better than skinny and fat.
This can be achieved with a proper nutrition and training program. Steroids are unnecessary at this point. Use them later on when you’ve built your foundation and ingrained the habit of training. No amount of steroids will overcome any shortcomings in your training and diet.
I have no idea how you came up with this qualification. At least it should be relative to height. Should a person 165cm be held to the same weight as a person 185cm?
Myself, I started AAS at 6’0” and 180lbs, short of your 90kgs.
I just came up with it just like you decided to do AAS earlier. We all have our opinions. For someone his height, 90kgs is doable natty. For a 6’0 person there is no reason to take steroids before he is 90kgs. Maybe thats why you gained so much from so little. I was 92kgs just a bit taller when i was 17 before i was thinking about drugs and i knew almost nothing about training and eating yet i managed to go from 67kgs to 92kgs anyway. Its just back then i had no info about this stuff.
For the most part I agree with you. And I can see your rationale that the more muscle you get, the more AAS is needed for much more muscle.
Where we differ, I even believe we agree fundamentally. Where I don’t care what the scale says, I look for the person to have had reasonable success to build muscle naturally and achieve a pretty good strength for his body weight. I would much prefer the person have a conditioned look, i.e., a tapered look with minimal fat around the waist. An exception would be a heavy person with good strength desiring to pursue powerlifting.
Sorry do you mean macro breakdown and calories consumed?
My training split is five days, usually Sunday back and bis, Monday chest and tris, Tuesday legs, Wednesday day off Thursday shoulders and calves Friday arms Saturday off
Every session is roughly 70 minutes maybe a tad longer, only cardio is the warm up before hand maybe 5 to 10 minutes
I would try to get a “light” thigh day into your program. Make it a 20 rep squat day. That means you might want to move the “heavy” leg day to Monday.