I came across this recently and thought I’d share it. Many of you may have already heard or known this.
To figure out a product’s half life multiply the carbons of the ester by .7.
For example Acetate 2 carbons x.7 = 1.4 days. This explains why people do better on Tren Ace as an ED vs EOD.
Propionate 3 carbons x.7 = 2.1 days. Again test prop is better as an EOD than a E3D.
Enanthate 7 carbons x.7 = 4.9days. This does give a lot more credibility to those who insist on enan as a bi-weekly vs once a week injection
Cypionate 8 carbon x.7 = 5.6 days. Here again bi weekly mathematically seems like the better idea. Although with Cyp weekly still can be and is done by many.
Deca 10 carbons x.7 = 7 days. Everyone says Deca is a weekly and the formula support this.
EQ 11 carbons x.7 = 7.7days. I know some do EQ bi weekly but weekly could certainly be done effectively.
When in doubt more frequent shots is better for more stable blood levels of course but this might give some out there a better idea of how long they can go in between shots.
there is a part of the newby thread that breaks down the halflife of each different esther from memory…[/quote]
Found that one too but that one is wrong. In that one he multiplied esters x1.5. The research and user experience shows the .7 factor is much more accurate
Something that is not discussed is that large injected volumes of test esters probably have longer 1/2 lives than smaller doses. If the half life data comes from medical settings, the actual figures for some gear doses may be quite different.