I’m going to Beijing next weekend, to watch the Olympics and then do the tourist thing afterwards. 4 weeks in all is how long I’ll be gone. However, my situation is this, I’ve been running 400mg/week of EQ (boldenone undecylenate) this summer (I’m just a bit over 10 weeks into the cycle) and I don’t want to cut it short because I understand that running it longer than 12-14 weeks is much better results-wise. That said, I don’t feel very good about bringing gear with me to China. Initially I thought that taking 4-5 pre-loaded pins with me might be ok, but now my common-sense is starting to kick in…
Then I remembered reading a thread awhile back about Bushy’s ideas regarding his staying on TRT if he had to serve a few months in jail (which I’m very hopeful that he won’t). Anyway, I can’t seem to find the thread now, but the most interesting idea that came out of it was loading up on several grams of testosterone undecylenate before going in, as the long ester would keep higher levels of AAS in your system for the duration of the stay. And EQ is of the same ester… So now I’m thinking that something similar to this would be a much safer solution to my predicament.
I’d really like to know what you guy’s think of this (especially you Bushy please), it’d really help me out. Thanks.
And if someone does remember which thread that was, that I was thinking of earlier, could you post the link, I’d like to read it over. Thanks again guys.
[quote]MrZsasz wrote:
I think the thread was called Bushido’s Pre-incarceration Precautions but I can’t seem to find a working link. Maybe you will have more luck…[/quote]
Thank you Mr.Z, but I’m still having trouble finding it. Nothing is turning up on the search function for me.
The undecylenate ester has a 14 day half life. So if you injected 800mg prior to leaving, that would leave 200mg of that injection still active at the 28 day mark, right?
[quote]Jelly Roll wrote:
MrZsasz wrote:
I think the thread was called Bushido’s Pre-incarceration Precautions but I can’t seem to find a working link. Maybe you will have more luck…
Thank you Mr.Z, but I’m still having trouble finding it. Nothing is turning up on the search function for me.
I found it. Sort of. Went through some post histories and it shows there, but it won’t open. I am wondering if he had the mods delete it. Might be so since it shows someone else having started the topic. Might have to wait til he can chime in on this topic but I think you are on the right track.
[quote]5.0 wrote:
The undecylenate ester has a 14 day half life. So if you injected 800mg prior to leaving, that would leave 200mg of that injection still active at the 28 day mark, right?[/quote]
THis would be the smart way - if you can find that particular ester.
You could front load 1.5 grams of test E and accomplish about the same thing.
Or - you could check out the pharmacies in China, and see if they are selling any vitamin T over the counter, and not have to front load anything.
Thanks 5.0 and RJ, that’s the direction I was thinking of going as I was mulling over my options. I’m glad you guys are around to answer my dumb questions.
Any advice for me about front-loading all that gear? I’d think that using a couple of different needles and multiple injection sites would be the way to go. And with regards to sides, I’ve got proviron and arimidex that I think should be OK in a pill bottle when I’m over there.
Mr.Z, I’ve had the same trouble, you’re probably right about it getting deleted. Or else there’s some glitches with the search function today. And thanks, I’m really looking forward to this trip. I’m hoping to post up some of my pictures on the Olympic judo and weightlifting threads.
[quote]rainjack wrote:
Or - you could check out the pharmacies in China, and see if they are selling any vitamin T over the counter, and not have to front load anything. [/quote]
RJ, I was wondering about that too. That’s why I’d thought at first about just bringing my gear with me, since it was legal over there. But the Chinese government has been coming down hard on anything these days that looks bad to the western media, so I’m thinking of alternatives.
[quote]Jelly Roll wrote:
rainjack wrote:
Or - you could check out the pharmacies in China, and see if they are selling any vitamin T over the counter, and not have to front load anything.
RJ, I was wondering about that too. That’s why I’d thought at first about just bringing my gear with me, since it was legal over there. But the Chinese government has been coming down hard on anything these days that looks bad to the western media, so I’m thinking of alternatives.
Because of direct conversations I have had with certain people who have firsthand knowledge these things, I would say don’t count on being able to find anything at all over the counter there. The day after the Olympics are finished the pharmacies will probably fill right back up, but presently, yes, the Chinese government has been coming down very hard on these suppliers, and the only guys that are moving anything right now are guys with a lot of bribery money.
Of course, you said you were running 400mg/wk, so to keep yourself at that level, you’d need 1600mg in order to have 400mg still active at the 28 day mark. One 400mg poke each, left and right ventroglute and quad would keep you covered.
Honestly, though, that amount just makes me shudder, considering I got the anxiety sides even @ 200mg/week. Good thing you’re built like you are. Good luck!
[quote]AlteredState wrote:
I would say that a large depot injection of the EQ would see you right. 800mg should do it, or go for a full gram.
I really can’t see the Chinese pharms being that unregulated at this time.
Have a great time![/quote]
Thanks Alter. Another quick question, what kind of sides might I have to worry about from injecting such a large quantity of EQ into me? I’ve never gone over the 850mg/week mark of total AAS before, so I guess this will be another little experiment on how my body reacts.
[quote]5.0 wrote:
Of course, you said you were running 400mg/wk, so to keep yourself at that level, you’d need 1600mg in order to have 400mg still active at the 28 day mark. One 400mg poke each, left and right ventroglute and quad would keep you covered.
Honestly, though, that amount just makes me shudder, considering I got the anxiety sides even @ 200mg/week. Good thing you’re built like you are. Good luck![/quote]
Good call 5.0, 3 pokes. And I guess I’ll find out how I do with that much in me, it should be interesting considering I’ll be getting on a 12 hour flight over the Pacific ocean, lol…