Gyno on 360mg Test.

29M. 6’2 205lbs.
I started TRT with rx (off label) 9 months ago. Ive been increasing my dosage with every new labwork. Injections 3x per week. I’m starting to get gyno in one nipple at only 360 test per week.

Am I fucked? Ive put on 30 pounds since starting TRT and I’m assuming 66% is muscle. Assuming bodyfat is 25% (slight striations in delts, see the outline of abs)
It’s been in my playbook to eventually do a real cycle.

I lift 6 days a week PPL. Dirty bulk (Mcdonalds cheeseburgers, fries, milkshakes, nerds gummy clusters, and redcon1 MRE) is what i eat everyday. Occasional whole foods.

I ordered arimidex online.

I guess the question is, am i fucked at getting gyno at only 360 test? my estradiol is 57. test is 50+

Your not on TRT dude. Your on a perpetual cycle.

This is not good at all.Are your lifts going up or are you just getting fatter?

You keep sayin “only” 360mg. That is a fair dose of test which prob has your levels over 3000ng/dl which is not healthy long term.
You need to get some nolvadex and run that for a few weeks.
40-60mg/day depending on how bad it is. If your gonna continue on the test you’ll need to keep your estrogen under control.
You may want to consider surgery if this is something you wanna do long term.



TRT Rx but it’s off label? Can you clarify that? This sounds more like a cycle being called TRT. Gyno at “only” 360mg of Test isn’t unheard of, your e2 could be very high or just genetically prone to it. Your diet certainly isn’t helping.

My rx is from a men’s clinic, not my primary care. My natural test was on the low end of average before starting TRT, but not low enough where i needed TRT.

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I appreciate your feedback. In my mind I was primarily increasing my dosage every 3 months to see how my body would react, with the plan to blast and cruise in the future. Significant strength gains, but a bit slower the past month. I shoot for over 200 grams of protein and 4000 calories everyday. The past month I haven’t hit my food goal every day. Recently I’ve only kept a rough estimate of my diet. After being down on bodyweight the last week I realized I haven’t been eating enough and need to keep actual track.

Because arimidex blocks aromatization and nolvadex blocks the receptors, Does this mean arimidex is not what i need to lower estrogen right now?

Arimidex lowers estrogen
Nolvadex blocks receptors in breast tissue
Aromasin blocks conversion to estrogen

Think of it like putting high-octane fuel into an underperforming, poorly tuned 1980s American car. At 6’2" and 205 pounds with 25% body fat, blasting over 300 mg of testosterone isn’t ideal. You’re likely experiencing significant aromatization, which could explain symptoms like potential gyno.

Adding Arimidex at this point isn’t the solution. Instead, lower your dose and focus on reducing your body fat to around 15-17%. Once your body composition improves, you can consider gradually increasing your dose if needed.

To optimize your body’s adaptability, work on improving your hematocrit (HCT) and hemoglobin (HGB) levels with serious cardiovascular training. Even after nine months, it seems your body is struggling to handle higher testosterone doses.

Keep in mind that 300+ mg isn’t TRT for most people, except for rare cases like individuals with a GPRC6A mutation who genuinely require such levels.

Substances like Retatrutide can support your goals, and if you need something to act as an aromatase inhibitor (AI), Cialis or Metformin could be viable options.

I take it you ordered 1mg tablets?

Yep. I wonder what his prolactin levels are at.

Typically test alone won’t raise prolactin in the majority. If he was taking any nandrolones then prolactin could come into play.

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Yep, I was just thinking out loud.

The BF is possibly why you are converting at a higher rate.

In theory, you can move to daily micro injections and add in calcium d glucarate for e2 control.

Thank you for the reply. I will up my cardio and hold back some carbs. I’m going to drop my trt down to 300 and then to 250. Yes, I ordered 1mg tablets of arimidex.

I’d recommend lowering your dose to 200 mg or even 180 mg weekly. If you decide to use Arimidex, start cautiously. Use a pill cutter to divide the pill into quarters, then cut one of those quarters in half to get approximately 12.5 mg. Begin with that dosage and adjust as necessary. Keep in mind that Arimidex is extremely effective at reducing estrogen levels, so it’s important to proceed carefully.

Also, Arimidex lowers estrogen systemically, as aromatase enzymes are present in testicular tissue as well. It’s all connected—something to consider.

Many of the benefits of TRT are driven by the effects of estrogen, including improved fat loss, muscle gains, and enhanced libido.

Agreed. And yes, we’ve already discussed that, and honestly, I wish this trend of micro daily injections would just fade away.

That would still not be TRT.

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Still not TRT. Some people’s problems can simply be solved by taking a TRT dose.

Should I just drop straight back down to 200mg?

It is doubtful you need that much. I don’t make medicine recommendations. If you are actually hypogonadal, I think you should see a urologist who knows TRT.

I am biased though. I test at 700 to 1000 ng/dl any day of the week tested on 100 mg T per week.

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