Hey everyone, due to work I’ve moved down to Switzerland and am in the Baden/Wettingen area. I’ve been trying to find a gym with a platform, some bumper plates… standard equipment. The gyms here are essentially wellness centers for the towns retirement community, and I’m getting desperate. Anyone happen to know of any super secret training facility in the area? Thanks a bunch peeps.
Sigh, yeah I didn’t think so. Time to burn some money and buy my own shit.
The o-lifting forum is pretty slow sometimes, you gotta give us more than 7 hours to get a good response haha. Though I can’t think of any posters from Switzerland off the top of my head . . .
[quote]TheJonty wrote:
The o-lifting forum is pretty slow sometimes, you gotta give us more than 7 hours to get a good response haha. Though I can’t think of any posters from Switzerland off the top of my head . . .[/quote]
min of 2-7 working days lol.
[quote]Swolegasm wrote:
[quote]TheJonty wrote:
The o-lifting forum is pretty slow sometimes, you gotta give us more than 7 hours to get a good response haha. Though I can’t think of any posters from Switzerland off the top of my head . . .[/quote]
min of 2-7 working days lol.[/quote]
Apparently Koing has some time off work You guys have to pick up the slack!
We have a guy from Austria who posts here maybe he has a better idea of how to find a Swiss club or where to find a European association that knows of clubs.
[quote]debraD wrote:
Apparently Koing has some time off work You guys have to pick up the slack!
Oh, well in that case . . .
Just smash up your front squat, mate!
I don’t think the Swiss have frickin’ heard of olympic weightlifting. I’m going to shoot myself
[quote]TheJonty wrote:
[quote]debraD wrote:
Apparently Koing has some time off work You guys have to pick up the slack!
Oh, well in that case . . .
Just smash up your front squat, mate![/quote]
Perfect Koing impression!!
Hey. The Swiss are pretty secretive about their weightlifting clubs, and those that exist don’t seem to have a big online presence.
To get you started, the national governing body is the Schweizerischer Amateur-Gewichtheber-Verband /Fédération Suisse Haltérophile Amateur. At least some weightlifting clubs seem to be affiliated with wrestling, and the contact for the SAGV is
Daniel Tschan, Les Ecureuils 12, 2722 Les Reussilles
032 487 52 21
www.ringen.ch / daniel.tschan(at)adecco.ch
The website listed is that of the Swiss Wrestling Federation - you might see if any of the clubs there have platforms or affiliated weightlifting clubs, or write Mr. Tschan directly.
There are a few clubs I was able to dig up by quick googling:
Rorschach http://www.asrorschach.ch/
Lausanne http://www.clhm.ch/index.html
Bern http://www.gewichthebenbern.ch/
Tramelan http://haltero.tramelan.ch/
There is also apparently a Ring- und Stemmclub Solothurn, but you’ll probably have better luck finding the bat-cave.
Holy shit you are a genius. Thanks a whole lot buddy !!!
[quote]lucio wrote:
Holy shit you are a genius. Thanks a whole lot buddy !!![/quote]
You saying you didnt just google it first???
[quote]Swolegasm wrote:
[quote]lucio wrote:
Holy shit you are a genius. Thanks a whole lot buddy !!![/quote]
You saying you didnt just google it first???[/quote]
if you had read the response which gave the TS his advice, you would have seen:
’ The Swiss are pretty secretive about their weightlifting clubs, and those that exist don’t seem to have a big online presence. ’
[quote]yarni wrote:
[quote]Swolegasm wrote:
[quote]lucio wrote:
Holy shit you are a genius. Thanks a whole lot buddy !!![/quote]
You saying you didnt just google it first???[/quote]
if you had read the response which gave the TS his advice, you would have seen:
’ The Swiss are pretty secretive about their weightlifting clubs, and those that exist don’t seem to have a big online presence. '[/quote]
Oh no, its you again.
[quote]lucio wrote:
Holy shit you are a genius. Thanks a whole lot buddy !!![/quote]
Glad I could help. There is also another club at La Chaux-de-Fonds (pretty far west from you, unfortunately), but they have a facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=286138053481&v=photos&so=45#!/group.php?gid=286138053481&v=info). Maybe you can get in touch with someone there that knows more about local clubs that might have platforms.
[quote]TheJonty wrote:
[quote]debraD wrote:
Apparently Koing has some time off work You guys have to pick up the slack!
Oh, well in that case . . .
Just smash up your front squat, mate![/quote]
LOL you basts!
I was off work from the 22nd till today. Back in tomorrow
[quote]Koing wrote:
[quote]TheJonty wrote:
[quote]debraD wrote:
Apparently Koing has some time off work You guys have to pick up the slack!
Oh, well in that case . . .
Just smash up your front squat, mate![/quote]
LOL you basts!
I was off work from the 22nd till today. Back in tomorrow
There was sharp decline in the amount of useful advice in you absence lol
[quote]Swolegasm wrote:
[quote]Koing wrote:
[quote]TheJonty wrote:
[quote]debraD wrote:
Apparently Koing has some time off work You guys have to pick up the slack!
Oh, well in that case . . .
Just smash up your front squat, mate![/quote]
LOL you basts!
I was off work from the 22nd till today. Back in tomorrow
There was sharp decline in the amount of useful advice in you absence lol [/quote]
Yeah you need to train a back up when you’re not here How about one of your bros?
[quote]debraD wrote:
[quote]Swolegasm wrote:
[quote]Koing wrote:
[quote]TheJonty wrote:
[quote]debraD wrote:
Apparently Koing has some time off work You guys have to pick up the slack!
Oh, well in that case . . .
Just smash up your front squat, mate![/quote]
LOL you basts!
I was off work from the 22nd till today. Back in tomorrow
There was sharp decline in the amount of useful advice in you absence lol [/quote]
Yeah you need to train a back up when you’re not here How about one of your bros?[/quote]
Busy training
little bro I’m leaving him to coach a few guys on his own now. It’s unreal he can finish a session in the time he has. He has insane work capacity and doesn’t need much rest inbetween sets. CJ 113 yesterday for a +2kg PB.