Hello everybody. I am strongly considering a move to Colorado in the next few months, and I would like to ask those of you there or familiar with the fitness and athletic training scenes there if you have any recommendations to look for training related jobs.
Could be anything really. Places you know are quality, athletic training centers with good reputations (or even fitness centers although my goal is not general population oriented), or just places offering internships. Hell even if somebody just wants to shoot an email that might let me know where to look or just be able to give me useful information in general on the state job scene.
I am not very familiar with the scene in Colorado aside from the most obvious avenues (CU, CSU, 24hr fatness/golds, Monster.com). I know a lot of you guys on here live there or have in the past so I wanted to ask you guys most familiar with things over yonder if you had any ideas or whatnot.
My apologies as this is a rather wide question, but it is very late and I’m very tired and a bit stressed so let’s just start with this shall we?
I debated putting this is GAL or another forum, but I figured it might get the most looks here.
Where I train and one of the best gyms in the country: Armbrust Pro Gym, 10 minutes west of downtown Denver
Colorado Pro Gym in Aurora is a good place. Have heard good things about Iron Warrior Gym but have not trained there.
You mean like nightclubs? Downtown is packed with lots of spaces.
What are you looking for? Doubt I can help but let us know and if it’s something I can help with I will.
Colorado is an awesome place to live.
Yea Colorado is awesome, I work out at a reservation gym and live in the middle of nowhere so I can’t help with your questions too much. I moved here a little over 2 years ago from the east coast and the west is pretty amazing. Just lots of stuff to do and so many different climates, and some badass history.
The DU gym is decent.
That’s all I got.
Good luck with the move.
Oh yeah, if you are over in the DU/wash park area hit up Park Burger - my favorite burger spot.
Edit: Make sure to buy an epic pass if you plan on doing a lot of skiing this season. Lift tickets are fucking expensive so that pass pays itself off if you get in like 6 or 7 days at vail.
Monopoly–The help is most appreciated. I haven’t heard of either your gym or the other so I am very appreciative. As far as clubs I wasn’t thinking so much nightlife as athletic training clubs or performance centers, or fitness clubs lol. Nightlife is great there (from the times I’ve been, even though I haven’t discovered the really cool local spots or anything) but I was thinking strength coaching and conditioning oriented. That is what I am wanting to do–and unfortunately I am fully aware that I will probly have to start at the bottom in internship, but I want to work with athletes and/or athletically minded people, not the 24 hour crowd. That’s one of the reasons I was asking about gyms—when I go out there next I’d like a few places people like you know are quality operations…to check out both for me and for jobs. I want to work in my favorite state and dream location lol.
USMC–Glad you made it into the great wide open spaces man :). It is truly a one of a kind place (both the west and colorado itself). I couldn’t agree more with you and that’s why I am moving out there–too many wilderness areas to see, too much nature to ignore, and you pretty much hit the nail on the head there. I’ve been dreaming of getting out there for YEARS.
Anonymity–Thanks for the tip mate! I am definitely into skiing but living in the flatlands rarely get to. If I end up moving out in the next few months I am most DEFINITELY getting my ski on.
Also thanks for the tips on food joints people. Been to colorado numerous times with a friend in boulder, but I absolutely never get tired of finding new local joints to eat food or drink beer in…and one friend can’t possibly know all the cool spots anyway haha
work for Biotest, then lift in Biotest HQ. Heard they have a good night club too.
problem solved.
PB Andy—If I thought that they were looking for anybody and I could even remotely fill the role, you better believe I’d already be pounding down the door lol. Holy shit that would be awesome haha