I like many bodybuilders …am very crazy about missing workouts…
I have been a gymnast for about 5 years…trained both weights and athletics…
I have developed tendonitis in my elbows and my left bicep tendon going into the pec…I have totally laid off for about a month and it is driving me crazy!!
I am slowly incorperating some lifts back into my program but am still in pain…
My question is if I were to cycle growth hormone alone at 4IU a day for a month …would this speed the recovery of my tendons…?and would 1 month be enough?
If not do you think you could help me find a better way to speed my recovery…?
…I am taking supplements…ligaplex…glucosamine…chondroitin…and vitamin c…
thank you for your time.......I also think tendon troubles in bodybuilding would be a great topic for an article........
I read the article on growth hormone in t mag a couple of articles back…it was pretty
straight forward as to what growth hormone actually does to you…almost nothing!!
except for strengthening the connective tissue.....which is what I am looking for........how do you think it could aggrivate it....?
as for athletes…I see its uses in keeping
the bodys connective tissue stong to match the intence training but the also extra strong muscles from possible steroid abuse…
I’m not saying that it might not help. The strengthening of connective tissue remains to be seen. What does happen is an increase in connective tissue, that is not the same thing. Theraputic dosages work well for older people but bodybuilder dosages have been shown to cause some damage. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, numbness in extremeties, and intense muscular and/or joint pain are a few side effects from these dosages. I would not call this almost nothing. I have had friends cure their tendonitis by seeing a doctor or a certified ART specialist before it got too bad. This is your best bet. You should go see a doctor anyway.
radman,did a qualified practitioner diagnose you with tendonitis or are you taking a guess at it?during what movements do you notice it? is there any tingling sensation?how much glucosamine and condroitin are you taking and for how long?I agree about it being good subject matter for an article.
Hi Radman. You should defintely see someone who will do treat you with some form of physical medicine if this doesn’t get better soon. Passive forms of physical therapy e.g. heat/cold, ultrasound, etc. are all effective in managing the immediate, short-term symptoms. ART is by the far the most effective soft tissue manipulation for the symptoms you describe. I would, run, not walk, to the nearest ART person if I were you.
What gives you the idea that hGH is actually going to help you in the short-term, anyway? What you need is immediate first-aid for the acute symptoms, not hormonal therapy. Doctors will typically prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, not hormones, for this kind of tendinitis when symptoms are bad enough to warrant drug therapy. Bicepital tendinitis is hard to get rid of without help because we use those muscles all the time. ART can help, especially if you couple it with the right kind of passive PT. After you experience some recovery, you should go talk to a good coach who knows what they’re doing to figure out how you got the overuse syndrome in the first place.