This conversation occured this morning at about 5:35am, it made my whole day.
I show up at the gym and one of the regulars is there with his arm in a sling, you could tell he was waiting for someone to ask what happened, so I bite. He’s a nice enough guy but will talk your ear off, and is one of those guys who benches in the Smith with wrist straps and half reps.
Me: Hey, what did you do to your arm.
Him: Dude, I was benching yesterday, getting like 315, then I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. It bothered me all day so I finally got in to see the doctor and he took an X-ray and said it is probably a torn labia.
Me: A torn Labia, you sure he didnt say labrum?
Him: No, he said torn Labia, he said it is a pretty common bench press injury. He wants to do an MRI to make sure though.
Me: Man, I bet that hurts like hell.
Him: Its not to bad now just a little sore and stiff.
Me: Oh man, I can see how a torn labia would feel stiff. I think I may have torn a labia or two when I was in college, never checked it out though.
Him: Yea, you might have, the doctor says it happens alot and people dont even know it.
Me: I dont know man, if you tear a labia its gotta hurt pretty bad, I think you would know.
Him: Yea, I know I felt it.
Me: Well, I gotta get started. Take it easy and do what the doctor says, make sure you let that Labia heal before you hit it again.
I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing this whole time. He was totally serious about the whole thing.