I searched through the website but failed to find a general set of rules for HOT-ROX.
The scenario is, I just got out of a cast, and next week should be at 100% injury wise and ready to begin full on training. My goal would be to drop body fat from approx 11% to 8%, so nothing extreme. The supplement happened to be quite cost efficient, so i bought 2 bottles.
I intend to stick with the minimum dose of 1 pill twice a day, so I’d like to have an idea of:
For how long after eating is it okay to take a pill, and in the morning, in how much time can I have breakfast after taking a pill?
How long can I safely take this supplement?
Should I cycle it?
Are there any danger areas to avoid with this?
[quote]muscleshark wrote:
For how long after eating is it okay to take a pill, and in the morning, in how much time can I have breakfast after taking a pill?[/quote]
30-45minutes is what I usually would do.[quote]
How long can I safely take this supplement?[/quote]
3 months is recommended, I wouldn’t do more than that.
Should I cycle it?
[/quote]Yes, take 3-4weeks off every 3 months. [quote]
Are there any danger areas to avoid with this?[/quote]
Yes, don’t mix it with something you’re not sure about mixing it with, don’t take more than 4 pills in a 24 hours period.
RSG pretty much put it out perfectly. I think the max recommended period of use is 12 weeks. Also, you may want to try upping the dose to 2 pills 2x a day. I needed to use 4 a day in order to get the max effects; 2 didn’t really help that much.
I actually have some questions regarding this product. I’m beginning the V-Diet so I bought two bottles of it, is it okay to take 2 with morning shake, and 2 with my afternoon shake?
Also I have pre-workout supplements (No-Xplode+Nitric Oxide Complex) is it okay to take along with these two products?
[quote]MustangPB wrote:
I actually have some questions regarding this product. I’m beginning the V-Diet so I bought two bottles of it, is it okay to take 2 with morning shake, and 2 with my afternoon shake?
Fine to take it with a shake, though I would space it at least 15min before. And for gods sake, start on 1 pill twice a day.
[quote]rsg wrote:
MustangPB wrote:
I actually have some questions regarding this product. I’m beginning the V-diet so I bought two bottles of it, is it okay to take 2 with morning shake, and 2 with my afternoon shake?
Fine to take it with a shake, though I would space it at least 15min before. And for gods sake, start on 1 pill twice a day.
Also I have pre-workout supplements (No-Xplode+Nitric Oxide Complex) is it okay to take along with these two products?
How long should I continue on 1xpill 2xday? Take into account I weigh 247lbs (not actually sure if that will take into account honestly).
Those NO2 articles are quite interesting, I did some research on the person who actually brought it in to play and he won a Nobel Prize for his ‘discovery’.
Oh well, i’m trying it for a cycle it’s just basically 3/preworkout 3/Night. It should be seemingly harmless to continue while on the V-diet? Correct?
The HRX from what I understand is just a fat-burner, which I take 1(soon move to 2)in the morning, and 1(soon to move to 2) and in the mid afternoon (on workout days it will be taken after workout?).
I really do like the NoXplode supplement I take preworkout (mostly just caffiene, the N.O. in it is bullshit (class action suit).
i noticed no effects also after i took 2 pills also. does anyone know how much caffeine per pill they have?
just a side note, before 1 workout i took 2 Spike, holy lord, gave me so much energy i felt like i could swim to hawaii. but other pills have little or no effect. i as well might start taking 3, but im sure there is a reason the bottle says “do not take more than 4 in a 24 hour period…”
[quote]BARDUKE wrote:
i noticed no effects also after i took 2 pills also. does anyone know how much caffeine per pill they have?
just a side note, before 1 workout i took 2 spike, holy lord, gave me so much energy i felt like i could swim to hawaii. but other pills have little or no effect. i as well might start taking 3, but im sure there is a reason the bottle says “do not take more than 4 in a 24 hour period…”[/quote]
Of course there is a reason, you’ll be overdoing it - even though you may not physically feel the effects. I would monitor my heart-rate an hour or so after taking 2 of the badboys, you’re bound to have it elevated even though you don’t feel “buzzed”.
I feel that HRX hits me harder than Spike most of the time, but occasionally I get a good rush from Spike too, though it’s usually the energy drink.
Remember, the main effect of HRX is to help with weight loss, and energy is one of the side effects - so no everyone is going to feel it.
Hey fellas, just read the directions on the back of the bottle. Start with one cap on empty stomach and take second cap 6 hours after that. If everything goes good then you can up to 2 caps in a.m. and two cap 6 hours later. Biotest wants you to see how your body reacts to the supplement before you raise.
Thanks rsg for the recommendations on the cycling. That is not well discussed.
this is a little off topic but i didnt want to start a new thread but can i crack open a HRX pill and rub it on my abs? would it work that way because it is late and i cant take any stims right now because i need to go to bed soon.
[quote]Beej1989 wrote:
this is a little off topic but i didnt want to start a new thread but can i crack open a HRX pill and rub it on my abs? would it work that way because it is late and i cant take any stims right now because i need to go to bed soon.[/quote]
Hahha LMAO!
Though, has anyone tried cracking open one of them? I carried them around in my bag once for a few weeks so I didn’t forget them and a couple broke open, damn do they burn (like chillies or pepper)!
[quote]cain06 wrote:
Is it safe to have HRX and also a cup of coffee in the same day? I am 190 6’1…[/quote]
This depends on your caffeine tolerance.
Most people don’t have a problem with a little coffee in addition to their normal Hot-Rox Extreme dose, but those sensitive to caffeine may.
This is why it’s important to begin with just one Hot-Rox Extreme capsule per day and gradually increase by adding only one additional capsule daily until you find your sweet spot or reach the maximum recommended dosage.
[quote]Beej1989 wrote:
this is a little off topic but i didnt want to start a new thread but can i crack open a HRX pill and rub it on my abs? would it work that way because it is late and i cant take any stims right now because i need to go to bed soon.[/quote]
You could do this, but you’ll still feel the same effects. If anything, the effects may kick in faster and be slightly stronger.