Hi CT, I have been loving your growth factor workouts and have attempted to come up with one for glutes. I have copied your methods of extending time under tension and creating max metabolic stress, and used exercises based on brett contreas research into mean/peak muscle activation. Any improvements and feedback would be much appreciated.
Most exercises done as a complex, same as other GF workouts
1 - hip thrust, ramp to 6-8rm
2 - hip thrust, same weight as above, each set to failure + 2 extra rest pauses
2-3 rounds
3a - kbell Romanian deadlift x 6-8
3b - sumo kbell deadlift x 6-8
3c - bodyweight wide stance squat x 6-8
3d - bodyweight jump squat x 6-8
3 x rounds
4a - donkey kick straight leg x 10
4b - donkey kick( leg straight making rainbow shape) x 10
4c - fire hydrant(hip abduction) x 10
4d - donkey kick leg bent x 10
3 x rounds
5 - hip thrust max pump, 5 reps + 5 sec iso hold top position, 4 reps + 4sec hold, 3 reps + 3 sec hold, 2 + 2, 1 + 1 (HDL max pump)
x 3 rounds