Grip Questions

[quote]cscsDPT17 wrote:
btw I don’t have any real chalk right now and with thanksgiving break coming up I’ll be training in random gyms and my guess is most wont allow me to use it so I’ll keep using liquid chalk as much as possible then straps only for the last set or two to make sure I get all I can[/quote]

Use it anyways. Only one of the 5 or 6 commercial gyms I’ve trained in officially allow chalk, but as long as you are neat with it, they don’t really care.

I would still recommend ditching straps altogether at this point. It’s too late to add much to your max deadlift for that meet, regardless of if your top set is what you can get strapless, or a hair more with straps, imo. Other people may disagree here. Personally, I’d focus on training as close to competition form as possible, chalk and no straps.