[quote]JonathanByrd wrote:
[quote]trivium wrote:
Do you guys know if any of the other big names in geared PL are still competing?
I am afraid I missed the boat on some of these guys.
The only person I am not a huge fan of is Dave Hoff, and that is because he appears to be an ass at times. I know he is not the devil incarnate, and that he probably has a nice side, but some stuff he does tends to piss me off a bit.
That being said, RAW PL has its own problems as well, with people arguing like schoolgirls on a routine basis. [/quote]
Each still has their own cry babies. They are really not that far separated as far as training goes (offseason specifically), but its much easier to bitch at each other I guess.
My first multiply meet I ever did Hoff won 275, I won the 308, and Chad Walker won the SHW. I was like a little kid watching people in the warm up room haha!
I train with Brian Carroll, he is going to lift at 242 in October.
Chad Walker wasnt around during the WPO days, but I bet he goes over 2800 with legit depth this year.
Yarmbash might have had a shot at an all time WR squat at the Arnold this year but hurt his knee.
Goggins did RUM this year (I was lucky enough to help him on meet day, again I am a powerlifting fan) and had a damn close miss at 800 raw in the squat and deadlift.
Of course you have all the westside guys, who like them or not are very strong.
So honestly, no the WPO guys are not really competing anymore, but still lots of quality geared lifters out there. I think 2460 finished 4th in my weight class at the Arnold this year. [/quote]
That’s an awesome story about your first competition.
I was at the Arnold, but I missed out on a lot of things. It was too damn crowded.
I personally have thought of trying to do geared lifting some day, but I don’t have an adequate baseline level of strength, and I feel like learning the gear is something that you do when you have already learned how to train/recover/etc without gear. I feel like if you are even 1% unsure of how to train/lift/compete raw, geared lifting is not a thing you should be doing just yet. I know people may disagree with that, but us beginners (less than 5 years under the bar) have too many variables to deal with as it is.