[quote]budlight1 wrote:
Why is everyone on this website a goody goody…ugh you didnt listen. f that…slash his tires, smash in his windows, and kill his dog and stuff it in his mailbox…who cares if you were wrong? releasing your frustrations will make you happier and isnt life about being happy…plus stress makes you have stomach fat or whatever and always remember 2 wrongs make a right[/quote]
Finally something I can work with does raping and pillaging his homestead count as adequete revenge or do I have to aim higher?
[quote]Sxio wrote:
Like everyone else said. If it was my gym, and you told me to jump, I’d ban you too.
Dropping deadlifts is not cool. If you can lift it, you can lower it under control and get more benefit out the exercise to boot.
Dropping it is just being a ‘look at me!’ dick. And leaving your chalk? And taking off your shoes?
I don’t see how this is a surprise to you. [/quote]
well, imo dropping shit is fun.
so dropping deadlifts is cool. even cooler is dropping squats, and cooler still is dropping snatches/jerks. the pinnacle of cool though has to be throwing a back squat over your head so it drops frontside.
why the f lift anything if you don’t get to drop it ?
are you one of those guys that has sex right up to orgasm and then holds it in to recycle energy or something ?
[quote]TVG wrote:
I hate it when the bars are covered in chalk. If you are wearing black it’s really annoying and disrespectful to get covered in it. [/quote]
haha fucking brilliant !
i only go to restaurants that use black napkins for the same reason !
dude ive never had my membership revoked but one time i was doing deadlifts in a powerrack at golds gym( i had over 500lbs on the bar) of all places(in coralville ia) when the manager had one of his grunts come over and tell me i cant do that upstair cause im scaring the customers?? i didnt even know how to respond i thought it was a joke. needless to say i dont lift in that joke of a gym anymore. peace/
kinda off topic but unless youre wearing steel capped work boots whats a pair of shoes going to do to stop hundreds of pounds of weight?
better yet maybe I should sue because a plate fell and scraped my ankle up because I wasnt wearing a suit of armor! not quite my feet (which were fully covered thank god!) but in the general vacinity. …
Aim higher! My gym has all those rules its a ymca for god sakes im the only one there with muscule tone. They tell me to wear shoes all the time i tell them to go to hell…who the f do they think they are what is a gym manager anyway…someone with a really shitty job that what they are i could piss more money then they make a year. i would destroy everything if they tried to kick me out. or i would jsut go to a real gym but my gym is mad cheap and it has everything i want. next time someone tells you to do something you dont want to do threaten the life of the children and they will never say another word to you. i promise.
steel capped work boots would still not do anything if your dropping a lot of weight… plus what if i drop a weight on my dick does that mean i can sue somebody? or if i throw a weight in the air and have it land on my head can i win millions? if so im doing it cause im looking forward to early retirement
[quote]BIGRAGOO wrote:
MarcKeys wrote:
He has come up and told me to put my shoes on when I’m squatting and deadlifting I just told him to go jump.
I think acting as ass to the owner earned your banning. Take a lesson here.[/quote]
Right, chalk is for fat people anyways. Bars and dumbells have grips on them for a reason, you don’t need to filthy up a gym just so you can show off your deadlift weight.
[quote]Sxio wrote:
Like everyone else said. If it was my gym, and you told me to jump, I’d ban you too.
Dropping deadlifts is not cool. If you can lift it, you can lower it under control and get more benefit out the exercise to boot.
Dropping it is just being a ‘look at me!’ dick. And leaving your chalk? And taking off your shoes?
I don’t see how this is a surprise to you. [/quote]
It depends on what you mean. If by dropping it you mean letting go of it, I’d agree with you. But there’s no reason you should be lowering it “under control.” It’s bad for your back and completely pointless.
Well, not completely pointless. If you go to a gym where loud sounds scare the old women trying to walk on the treadmill while reading a magazine and watching TV, then maybe.
[quote]Gl;itch.e wrote:
kinda off topic but unless youre wearing steel capped work boots whats a pair of shoes going to do to stop hundreds of pounds of weight?
Maybe shoes won’t stop weights crushing someone’s toes, but there may be other reasons why they are required. Think about it, if everyone didn’t wear their shoes there would be a heap of bad foot odour in the gym, LOL!
[quote]bg100 wrote:
Gl;itch.e wrote:
kinda off topic but unless youre wearing steel capped work boots whats a pair of shoes going to do to stop hundreds of pounds of weight?
Maybe shoes won’t stop weights crushing someone’s toes, but there may be other reasons why they are required. Think about it, if everyone didn’t wear their shoes there would be a heap of bad foot odour in the gym, LOL![/quote]
And atheletes foot, and impetago, and a bunch of other non specific dermatitis strains…
Hahaha, I tend to agree more with the original poster than his replies but I see the points.
I honestly don’t know how people work out at commerical gyms. I live in the uptown Manhattan and even though its a bitch I am getting gym equipment in my apartment, nice Powertec bench/squat rack, and other items. I got semi-suckered into joining NYSC and can’t stand the American commerical gym hang ups.
Ass sweat on the machines, someone needing to use the same machine, dealing with guys who feel the need to show their dongs in the locker room, male ego, too much hot female ass, people tapping you on the shoulder, paying $70 dollars a month, overcrowded, personal trainers that keep watching you waiting to pounce.
Bro, I say even though you may have a bit of a chaos side, you should build your own if you have the money or join a lower-key, “fun” gym, and be nice there.
[quote]swivel wrote:
Sxio wrote:
Like everyone else said. If it was my gym, and you told me to jump, I’d ban you too.
Dropping deadlifts is not cool. If you can lift it, you can lower it under control and get more benefit out the exercise to boot.
Dropping it is just being a ‘look at me!’ dick. And leaving your chalk? And taking off your shoes?
I don’t see how this is a surprise to you.
well, imo dropping shit is fun.
so dropping deadlifts is cool. even cooler is dropping squats, and cooler still is dropping snatches/jerks. the pinnacle of cool though has to be throwing a back squat over your head so it drops frontside.
why the f lift anything if you don’t get to drop it ?
are you one of those guys that has sex right up to orgasm and then holds it in to recycle energy or something ?[/quote]
You could just have got some plimpsoles and lifting gloves and their would have been no problems. And, so long as the owner reimburses your contract he can do what he wants, its his gym.
[quote]budlight1 wrote:
Aim higher! My gym has all those rules its a ymca for god sakes im the only one there with muscule tone. They tell me to wear shoes all the time i tell them to go to hell…who the f do they think they are what is a gym manager anyway…someone with a really shitty job that what they are i could piss more money then they make a year. i would destroy everything if they tried to kick me out. or i would jsut go to a real gym but my gym is mad cheap and it has everything i want. next time someone tells you to do something you dont want to do threaten the life of the children and they will never say another word to you. i promise.[/quote]
Or they may beat the crap out of you and then have you arrested for threatening to hurt their children. They can plead the beating as pre-emptive self defence.
You think? I deadlift up, set, then stick my butt out and come down under control. I’m not talking a 4sec eccentric or anything, there is a noise when it hits the ground but it’s a controlled descent. It would be bad for my back if I bent at the lumbar spine, but I keep it straight and bend at the hips. Imagine a romanian deadlift put down.
Quiet + more benefit. I’ve never dropped a deadlift yet.
[quote]cap’nsalty wrote:
Sxio wrote:
Like everyone else said. If it was my gym, and you told me to jump, I’d ban you too.
Dropping deadlifts is not cool. If you can lift it, you can lower it under control and get more benefit out the exercise to boot.
Dropping it is just being a ‘look at me!’ dick. And leaving your chalk? And taking off your shoes?
I don’t see how this is a surprise to you.
It depends on what you mean. If by dropping it you mean letting go of it, I’d agree with you. But there’s no reason you should be lowering it “under control.” It’s bad for your back and completely pointless.
Well, not completely pointless. If you go to a gym where loud sounds scare the old women trying to walk on the treadmill while reading a magazine and watching TV, then maybe.
I guess it depends on what you are lifting. My max romanian deadlift would still be a warmup set for my conventional deadlift. It might also be different if you do higher reps; I never go over five.
[quote]budlight1 wrote:
Aim higher! My gym has all those rules its a ymca for god sakes im the only one there with muscule tone. They tell me to wear shoes all the time i tell them to go to hell…who the f do they think they are what is a gym manager anyway…someone with a really shitty job that what they are i could piss more money then they make a year. i would destroy everything if they tried to kick me out. or i would jsut go to a real gym but my gym is mad cheap and it has everything i want. next time someone tells you to do something you dont want to do threaten the life of the children and they will never say another word to you. i promise.[/quote]
If you “could piss more money than they make in a year” then surely you could afford to go somewhere that isn’t “mad cheap”?
Or maybe you are just a fucking retard who is full of shit.
To the OP, it sucks that there are restrictive rules in the gym, but they are the rules and if you broke them and were rude to the staff into the bargain then you really can’t complain too much about being asked to leave.
The gym you went to sucks that was your first mistake.
You were rude that was your second mistake.
You can’t wear no shoes there are most likely legal issues on liability etc… ie, you can’t go without shoes, BY LAW.
If it is their policy not to use chalk you can’t. An alternative is a piece of rubber from a bike inner tube, just enough to cover the bar where your hand is. Works really well. Another alternative is a good set of gloves. And another alternative is clear climbing gel, it is like chalk for climbing, doesn’t leave chalk marks behind, people might wonder what this clear, gooey, grippy stuff is on the bar, though.