Last week some employees come to my gym to check it out. They’re reracking the weights because my gym is fill with douche bags that won’t. I mention “hey why don’t you guys put up a sign saying rerack the weights?” “Well” says the low man from the corporate totempole “Corporate headquarters won’t let us do it because they think it looks tacky”… wtf.
“If you see someone doing that just go up to them and tell them to put their weights away.” Well thanks do I get a free membership now that I work for you guys as gym enforcer? (no I didn’t say that, I was polite)
So today I’m in the gym waiting for a bench. There’s one that seems open that I’m about to take when some guy comes up to me and says “oh wait, got one more set to do” I say no prob. Well he dose his set of bench with a few reps of 115, gets up and leaves.
I say “hey man, you going to make me put your weights away for you?” Shithead responds with a yes. Looking right at him I push a 10 and a 25 plate off the bar onto the floor an attempt to make him feel uncomfortable in hopes he will discontinue his selfish ways.
I respond with “thats a very assholeish thing for you to do.” Well shithead takes off without a word, and I spend the rest of my time there staring shithead down trying to make him feel as uncomfortable as possible. He realizes I’m benching and lifting more than 3 times what he is and he stays on the other side of the room.
If I could I would like to of beat the hell out of the guy but because of legal reasons obviously the consequences out weight the benefits.
I hope he injures himself and is never able to workout in my gym again. Yes I really mean it. People like that are worthless.
Now just so people don’t get the wrong idea I’m not a violent guy (I’m not opposed to it) and I don’t lose my temper but I do confront people for disrespecting others and it’s lead to a few close calls. Lucky for me people never want to throw down. Probably cause I put my time in at the gym.
So I thought I’d share my frustration with my fellow T-Nation members.
If you were doing 3x the weight of what this guy was doing, then what’s the big deal with him leaving weight on there; Wouldn’t this actually be a short cut for you and you wouldn’t have to add as much weight because there was already some on the rack?
Looks like you were looking for an arugment, I could understand if you were doing less and you had to remove some and it got in the way of your routine.
[quote]Pat Monaghan wrote:
If you were doing 3x the weight of what this guy was doing, then what’s the big deal with him leaving weight on there; Wouldn’t this actually be a short cut for you and you wouldn’t have to add as much weight because there was already some on the rack?
Looks like you were looking for an arugment, I could understand if you were doing less and you had to remove some and it got in the way of your routine.[/quote]
He probably starts his warmup with at least 135, so he obviously would have had to take the weight off.
I’m with the OP. It sounds to me that he is just fed up with people thinking the world revolves around them. If more people would just take a few extra seconds to be kind and courteous we would all be a lot better off.
[quote]Spry wrote:
Why can’t we all just get along?
Sure, its a good thing to speak up when you see something which is wrong.
But you could have asked the dickhead nicely:
“Could you help me take these plates off?”
I’m sure he would have helped you.
You can always ask nicely. You do not have to be agressive when someone wrongs you. Agression is rarely helpful.
That said you didn’t actually want any plates taken off?! WTF are you bitching about?[/quote]
If you read the post, he did ask him. Nonetheless, this isn’t something you should have to ask somebody to do. It is common courtesy to rerack the weights when you’re done. What’s more common is to ask the next guy how much he wants on the bar, and then while he helps you unload one side you help him load up your side. Everybody’s happy, but instead this other guy had to be a douche about it.
[quote]Pat Monaghan wrote:
If you were doing 3x the weight of what this guy was doing, then what’s the big deal with him leaving weight on there; Wouldn’t this actually be a short cut for you and you wouldn’t have to add as much weight because there was already some on the rack?
Looks like you were looking for an arugment, I could understand if you were doing less and you had to remove some and it got in the way of your routine.[/quote]
Why would I be looking for an argument? Seems your one looking for one so I shall oblige. You don’t see the blatant disrespect? No he left a 25 and a 10 on each side. I went up to 315. I just like to slap on 3 plates a side. I don’t want to put another ten for my warm up and then stack 2 45’s on top of that. You don’t know much about manners I see.
If it is only the fear of the law which prevents you from controlling your anger then you’re in some trouble.
I’ve had some nudge me at the traffic lights in their car (I was on my motorbike). I didn’t fall over luckily but I was rather angry.
How stupid do you have to be not to see a bright yellow sportsbike?
Now he was a bastard in an expensive car and you know what he did? Wound down his window and said I should get off the fucking road (obviously didnt appreicate motorbikes).
I managed to control myself. I wasn’t hurt. No harm done. No need to harm him.
My point is I had a helmet, carbon fiber gloves, re-enforced boots and a padded jacket on. I was a walking storm trooper and he wasn’t going to stand a chance.
But there was just no need to harm him. It is not right to harm others because they are tools.
You are allowed to dent their car with you foot though.
[quote]mazevedo wrote:
I never knew “assholeish” was a word. My vocabulary expands every day.[/quote]
I think I just made my mark on history. Someone has to invent words. Didn’t want to use fuckhead, shit for brains, or anything too harsh around a lot of people in public but “ass” is one of those borderline words. You can even use it on TV and its worst word you can use around kids.
[quote]Spry wrote:
If it is only the fear of the law which prevents you from controlling your anger then you’re in some trouble.
I’ve had some nudge me at the traffic lights in their car (I was on my motorbike). I didn’t fall over luckily but I was rather angry.
How stupid do you have to be not to see a bright yellow sportsbike?
Now he was a bastard in an expensive car and you know what he did? Wound down his window and said I should get off the fucking road (obviously didnt appreicate motorbikes).
I managed to control myself. I wasn’t hurt. No harm done. No need to harm him.
My point is I had a helmet, carbon fiber gloves, re-enforced boots and a padded jacket on. I was a walking storm trooper and he wasn’t going to stand a chance.
But there was just no need to harm him. It is not right to harm others because they are tools.
You are allowed to dent their car with you foot though. :)[/quote]
I was hit by a car on a motorbike and hospitalized.
I have no problem controlling my anger but I justifiably think this guy deserved an ass beating. I wouldn’t injure him bad and I’m not a nutcase. I live in an area where people can just do what ever they want and no one stands up to them. Are you just going to let fools walk all over you? It takes balls to stand up to someone.
i agree with what you did. making him feel uncomfortable like that is the best way to handle it after you confronted him. im sure he will think twice next time he is in there benching
I think the given situation was handle as close to perfect as you’re going to get. The op spoke his mind, it didn’t escalate out of control, his point was made and (hopefully) the douche-nozzle is a little wiser in the ways of gym etiquette.
The people who see the op as the transgressor need to take their flower power shirts off and see the world for what it is; people aren’t polite; people, for the most part, are a bunch of assholes who don’t give a shit about the little accommodation and the op let the douche know he was a douche without letting himself or the situation get on the police blotter. Kudos; very diplomatic!