I have been looking at things to stack with Testosterone Cypionate. What do you guys think would be the best option to stack with cyp over 500mg per week over 10-12 weeks?
I am still new to this so what I am looking for is low/no post cycle therapy and if it is injected the most I want to inject is weekly because I am already needing to inject the Cyp. This cycle is still very much on the drawing board as you can tell.
BUT it looks like this is your first cycle, so I don’t think you should stack with anything, other than maybe dbol the first 4 weeks (kickstart). Find out how you do on test before you go adding other stuff. I would recommend Furious’ newbie cycle (check the sticky).
And you will need full PCT regardless of whether you stack or use test alone.
I have used Test Undec (only 1000mg every 3 weeks had 2000mg so only did it twice) previously and I responded well I think. I was going to use Dbol but my supplier cant get it right now. So I was wondering what else I could use.
EDIT: by “well” I mean I had no negative effects at all.
In my personal experience there IS a difference between the drugs… Cyp is notably slower and smoother in the gains it delivers.
But saying that i managed to gain and keep around a stone (14lbs) from a mere 7 week, 500mg Test Cyp cycle with 50mg proviron and Letro - and IIRC no frontload - which i always do these days. I am a convert.
I know that the elimination half life means that it doesn’t reach peak levels till around week 7… but it is very near the peak levels from week 5 - which shows a very slow incline in levels, which is (IMO) the reason it gives the slow, steady gains it does compared to other tests.
I think it is better suited to TRT and stable long term dosing, rather than cycling. Not as extreme as Test undeclynate, but not as user friendly as enanthate and Propionate.
[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
IMO, 12 weeks isn’t long enough for a cyp cycle, due to ester length. Sure, I know the books tell you that it’s ‘roughly the same’ as test enan in terms of timescale/halflife, etc, but that has definitely NOT matched my experience.
And I know that gear availability in OZ is restricted, but please don’t do a phucked up cycle like your last one, just because that’s all you can access.
I know that was a fuck up but I have lived learnt and moved on. Thats why you find me now trying to sort my shit out.