I’m about to start my first cycle. I’m going to take testosterone cypionate. What would be the best stack to take this with. Is it a good idea to take this with an anti-estrogen all the way through the cycle? Has any one got any ideas bout a safe stack with this?I’m not too keen on all the side effects!!
Anyone had any good cycles/results on this?
Want to get to know as much as I can from people that have experienced this.
Help and opinions much appreciated.
[quote]gazmutd wrote:
I’m about to start my first cycle. I’m going to take testosterone cypionate. What would be the best stack to take this with. Is it a good idea to take this with an anti-estrogen all the way through the cycle? Has any one got any ideas bout a safe stack with this?I’m not too keen on all the side effects!!
Anyone had any good cycles/results on this?
Want to get to know as much as I can from people that have experienced this.
Help and opinions much appreciated.
most first time users take either Test Cyp or Test Enanthate. They run between 250 and 500mg a week for 10 weeks. That seems to be the basic beginner cycle. While the dosage is low, sides still may occur.
Ive keep hearing good things about AIFM (aromatase inhibitor for men) run that throughout and you should be golden. Be sure to include some pct, many go with 50mg clomid every day for about 3 weeks, starting 2 weeks after last injection
so a test only cycle for 10 weeks of 500mg a week. Would i really need to take an anti-estrogen all the way through or only if i start to experience gyno etc? Doesn’t taking anti-estrogen during cycles not let the steroid do it’s “job” properly?
A few people i know have said i mite not even have to take an anti-estrogen.
I’ll definetly take PCT though.
What do you think?
[quote]gazmutd wrote:
so a test only cycle for 10 weeks of 500mg a week. Would i really need to take an anti-estrogen all the way through or only if i start to experience gyno etc? Doesn’t taking anti-estrogen during cycles not let the steroid do it’s “job” properly?
A few people i know have said i mite not even have to take an anti-estrogen.
I’ll definetly take PCT though.
What do you think?[/quote]
u might not have to take an anti-e with that dose but i’d definately have some on hand just incase. I’d definately have some Liquidex (arimidex) from ag guys on hand.
cheers for your help mate. appreciate it.
I’ll post results on here in 10 weeks!!
[quote]gazmutd wrote:
cheers for your help mate. appreciate it.
I’ll post results on here in 10 weeks!!
Dig up some more information first; you seem a little lost. You’ll want as much info as possible before you start.
There’s a steroids forum. The guys who post there have been using for varying lengths of time, some of whom for quite a while. You’d get some pretty good feedback if you brought this question there and checked out “The Steroid Newbie Thread.”
[quote]BIG_DAWS wrote:
u might not have to take an anti-e with that dose but i’d definately have some on hand just incase. I’d definately have some Liquidex (arimidex) from ag guys on hand. [/quote]
Taking this advice will cost you some serious money. There are at least three other research chem companies I would recommend over AG guys. Save some money and ask around for other places to get your ancillaries.