Adding to My Supplement Stack

first off my goal is to build muscle, i do a 4 day split (do this one instead of that dumb one supplied by Kingbeef). im 5’11, 193 pounds with about a 12% body fat. i have a very clean diet and i use a food log, i eat 6 or 7 clean meals a day and i dont really plan on bulking and cutting, just eating lots of healthy foods and busting my ass in the gym, i am also very consistent, i never miss workouts.

i currently take a multivitiamin, whey protein, casein protein, creatine monohydrate and fish oil capsules and am simply wondering if theres anything else out their supplement wise that would better help me achieve my goals. i know this site has many great supplements and i currently do not have any from this site so i wouldnt mind trying something from here either.

thanks for the input

You’re not using any sort of workout nutrition. I’d start there.

As for general health, vitamin D would be a good idea.

what exactly is a workout nutrition item ? like a post workout supplement ? (Surge)

EDIT: sorry i see what you mean now, something taken while working out

[quote]therajraj wrote:
You’re not using any sort of workout nutrition. I’d start there.

As for general health, vitamin D would be a good idea.



BCAA’s or casein hydrolysate intraworkout

[quote]corey_31 wrote:
what exactly is a workout nutrition item ? like a post workout supplement ? (Surge)[/quote]

I’d say to get a muscle sparing supplement like the ones I mentioned in my previous post before going for intraworkout carb sources. But something like Surge Workout Fuel, dextrose, etc might be a decent addition.

BCAAs and ZMA. I have been taking ZMA for ~2 weeks and my sleep has been great, plus my libido is increasing. Could be due to not getting laid in last 4 weeks, but who knows!

I think you were going well friend…

BCAA’s seem a little obsolete considering you can leucine powder for half the price, EEA’s for about a dollar more per 1000g, and 1000g hydrolyzed whey for about $20… IMO

Man, the price of supps in the states blows my freaking mind.

^Those are the lowest prices I have ever seen, by the way. It’s a bulk manufacturer that sells powders in bags (food grade) with out any advertising/marketing etc…