Can anyone tell me what a “good morning” is?
A good morning is when you wake up and your penis is being slurped on by a T-vixen.
Do you know what a stiff leg deadlift is? A good morning looks almost the same only the bar is across your back as you’d have it when squatting.
A search at T-mag will bring up articles with a better description and probably pictures. Click on the Ian King leg training article that pop up first.
do a serach for dave tate’s version of good morning. its probably different than ian king’s. at least its not a stiff legged deadlift.
There are many ways to do them. Your back
can remain arched, or can round over, depending on your plan. You can be seated
or standing.
My personal preference is seated on a bench (I
use a bench press station), with back remaining arched, and going down only until rib cage hits thighs. Others have other preferences.
Try doing a search on the site. You will get pictures along with instruction that should answer all your questions. I find Ian King’s version to be a productive for the hams and low back. Good luck!
I spent the night with my newest, she made me breakfast after giving me oral relief. Thats a good morning.
Where would this fall under a workout ?
Back day or leg day. Could I do it on the same day as I do Squats and or Deadlifts? Or will this be to much for the system?
I do good mornings on leg day, but they DO put a lot of load on the back as well (or am I doing something wrong?)
When does everyone else do them???
i always thought a good morning was when you woke up with a stiffy.
A while back I didn’t know what a good morning was, so I went to the “Search” bar and typed in “good morning” and got back past articles with pictures. So many people on this site ask basic questions without bothering to do any basic research themselves–they need to get with the program (or next they’ll have everyone else lifting for them, too)–och!
I dont understand working the lower back on back day. the lower back helps in the works in the posterior chain which warrants working it on leg day. or hip extension day. whichever you have.
You may have opened a can of worms there. To give my opinion, I can’t understand NOT doing whole body workouts. In the bang for buck realm, mine specifically, I enjoy and benefit from more frequent, intense, low volume work. But todays Gospel is tomorrows enquirer. Haven’t done GM’s in awhile, but they are hell as far as DOMS.
I just started training westside so i dont have so i dont have a back day and all that crap. It really does make no sense to me that you would work lower back on a separate day from the lower body.