Chris, thanks man, I appreciate your insight. However, I do disagree with some points you made. In terms of my genetic limit, I don’t think anyone knows. Although, I have a better idea of what that is since you people can’t see me or my family. At 6’1 and 190 lbs. I’ve already gone above and beyond what I thought was capable of. My genes are tall and very skinny. Somehow, through smart training and dieting, I’ve overcome those genes. I know that I don’t have the genes to grow much bigger than 190 lbs. and still remain very lean (I’ve been 198 at 12% once before). I would say that at most, I could gain another 5-10 lbs. of lbm through smart training, eating, sleeping and supplementation but that would honestly take several years of dedication. Of course I will remain dedicated if opting to use gear. My goal is a lbm gain of 25 lbs. which is fairly reasonable. To achieve that in 3 months would be great but I would be satisfied to gain just 10 lbs. The reason I say 25 is not because of the number it puts me at, but more because I think I can gain that much from my first few cycles (whether it be a few 2 on 4 offs or a 8 or 10 week cycle). The psychological addiction I speak of is not that of becoming addicted to gaining weight so quickly. It is more that I do not want to use gear and have unbelievable workouts (huge strength increases) and then have to be off of it and have “flat” workouts. I know I will be satisfied with my looks if I actually put on 25 lbs. of lbm. In fact, I might be too satisfied and want to lose some of it. I’m not concerned that neither Bill nor Brock have recommended me something. However, Bill did tell me that if he was in my position, he would be comfortable using gear. I think many of you who are against me using might also feel comfortable if in my position. Maybe not. I just don’t think the answer to whether 19 year olds should use steroids is as clear cut as you think it is. Individuality is key. I could be as mature (physically) as a 26 year old. I strongly disagree that just because I’m only 19 years old (almost 20) that I should be automatically told not to use gear. Unless I can get Bill or Brock’s advice on what to do, I will probaly end up doing Cy’s suggestion.
I will purchase Clomid and use it every day for a few weeks. How much should I use, 50 mg or 100 mg, ED or EOD?? How long should I do it for before testing my T levels?? I will see a doctor in 2 weeks and plan on getting regular blood tests once beginning. Thanks fellows for your advice and input.