Going to try this and see how it goes, got a few questions though before I start.
Should I run this for 5 cycles, do the 3 back but pick something different like one of the challenges out of the book, standard 531 or assess in time and if it goes well would it be okay to go back 3 and do another 5 cycles of the same program?
I currently have been doing the opposite lift for accessory work, although I stopped deadlifts after squats as volume was too much. I have been enjoying doing the lifts twice a week and I feel it helps, switching over to just once a week with different accessory work, incline dumbbells for example shouldn’t have a negative effect should it?
Better to switch the accessory movements, day by day or week by week or cycle by cycle? Guess it doesn’t matter much anyways as long as you get it in.
Okay to do weighted pull ups and dips, doesn’t mention in the program about using weight?
I am happy that my new TM are correct, working with 85% of my TM defo seems it will help me progress for longer, the 20 rep squat set is something I’ve never ventured into before, going to be a real test and I can see my legs shaking some for the first cycle.
Will be getting minimum of 8 hours of sleep a night as I do already, going to up my water intake which can be improved for sure, also I am going to eat good.
Hoping I can come back in some months time with some good gains. Thanks for feedback, thanks for being on the forum Jim and thanks for the programs. I can’t see myself ever coming away from 531, especially with all the variations/challenges you provide.