I will likely be visiting Hawaii for a friend’s wedding this winter. I’d like some advice as to some great places to go. I really dislike big, touristy type places, and instead prefer nature, authentic culture, and maybe the odd tourist that I can coerce into having sexual relations with me (bonus if it’s a human female!).
Molokai, Kauai, and the big Island all seem to fit the bill for this. Anyone been to any of these places?
Kauai is amazing. We did the Na Pali coast tour, well worth it. I forget what company we did it with, but they advertised as the biggest inflatable (forty something feet) boat on the coast or something like that.
Some places in Hawaii look like another planet. Bring a camera.
I’ve only been to Kauai and it was awesome there. There was this excellent hike that takes you to a secluded beach. Each island has a book like this one i’m posting with excellent details on places to go.
I’m from Kauai originally so if you’ve got any questions about there let me know.
There’s a great river kayak + hike to a waterfall tour. There’s lots of different hiking, short trips, long trips, overnighters on the beach, etc. There’s a bunch of different surf schools, which, if you’re lucky, are a good place to meet chicks if they happen to sign up in the same class as you.
There’s the Na Pali coast tour. There’s some light airplane tours. There’s ziplining.
Like I said, let me know if you’ve got any questions.
[quote]four60 wrote:
Same with the big Island but I never got over the whole what were they thinking when they settled there.
“Hey this island has a mountain that spits fire…Lets stay”[/quote]
The big island is alright depending on which side you stay on. The east side (Hilo) is rainy most of the year, but Hilo has a really strong feel of old Hawaii/Japanese-y culture.
And you can hike up the mountain to where the lava flows. Maybe. Just check if the lava flows are hikable to before you go. Last time I went, I hiked out for about an hour, found nothing, turned back and hiked back in for an hour, then found out at the information lodge that the lava flows were on a different face of the mountain than was accessible from where I was. That was kind of disappointing. But if you can get to the lava, its a crazy sight.
[quote]koleah wrote:
I’m from Kauai originally so if you’ve got any questions about there let me know.
Sure, I’m looking for jaw-dropping natural beauty and nature more than anything. I often prefer natural scenery to people when I travel. I once spent a week on a deserted island in the South Pacific, castaway style, and it was one of my favourite trips ever. Although, again, meeting the odd human female would definitely be welcomed.
Any places that make you say “holy shit” even after seeing them many times?
I have been to Kauai twice and highly recommend it, as rrjc5488 posted do the napali coast, but plan a couple extra days and hike it.There is a beach at the end of the hike that is only accessible by boat, helocopter and foot.I have hiked about a third of it and have wanted to go back and finish it ever since.
The first time I went to ke’e beach the water was glass, I swam out over this reef and snorkled around and saw sea turtles.The second time I went there it was like the fifty year storm in point break.
One more thing, if you go to kauai then drive up Waimea canyon.Go all the way to the top where you cant drive anymore. Walk out to the lookout area and there is a little trail that down into the bush.Go down that trail till it opens up, its fucking amazing.it is literally looking down maybe a thousand feet into a valley and is where they filmed the beginning of jurassic park. You know the part where the helocopter fly’s in.just be carefull because your not supposed to go down there, there isnt a railing and if you trip your dead.
One of my favorite pictures, on Kauai at the end of river kayak/hike. Me trying to stand under the waterfall. Thats a unique experience. (not very smart since if a rock washed over the edge at the top, it could have brained me and I’d be dead, but definitely unique.)
Want natural beauty? So long as its not too cloudy, this is what its like every night. This is a beach about five minutes from my parents house on Kauai.
This is during that Na Pali coast boat tour: the dolphins will come right up to the boat and swing alongside or underneath. If the weathers been nice the captain will park the boat for a little while and you can jump off and go swimming. If you’re really REALLY lucky, the dolphins will come around then.
Here’s one of the pics from when I was hiking on the cooled lava on the big island. Think about how high the sign normally is and then figure how high the lava was flowing at one point.