Going to Do Clavicle Lengthening

This is the only cosmetic surgery I have thought about pursuing. I really am contempt with everything else.

Just when you thought questions on here couldn’t get any more strange!! How long have you been training ? What is your current height / weight / body fat ? This seems like a pretty extreme course of action to give you a tiny bit of extra shoulder width that will most likely be undetectable. How about just train fken hard and try to add 30lbs of muscle to your frame over the next 3 years then see how wide you think your shoulders are.

I could be wrong but it seems to me that increasing the clavicle length through surgery might drastically change the natural mechanic of the actual shoulder. Considering the shoulder is pretty damn complex and the actual width is determined by more than just your clavicle length.

  1. post a link for this procedure…
    2.post a pic of yourself from the neck down so that we can have a general idea of supposedly narrow your shoulders are.
  2. also like already asked…what are your actual stats?

Clavicle lengthening by distraction osteogenesis for congenital clavicular hypoplasia: case series and description of technique - PubMed They didn’t suffer limb functions and they had deformities beforehand so the surgery was actually more invasive because they had to move the actual shoulder joint and then preform distraction osteogenesis on the clavicle.

http://www.dr-kimura.com/ope/ope-list/other/ - Korean doctor who shortens clavicle which is actually more difficult than lengthening due to the anatomy.

Correlation of the degree of clavicle shortening after non-surgical treatment of midshaft fractures with upper limb function | BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders | Full Text -59 Patients who had to undergo clavicle shortening due to fractures which did not decrease upper limb function or range of motion.

Shortening bones is more dangerous than lengthening them.

“Applied to normal clavicles for cosmetic purposes, widening of the shoulders can be achieved. The technique involves a small incision in the skin overlying the clavicle; creation of an osteotomy (cut in the bone) and insertion of bone grafting material is performed, followed by fixation with a permanent titanium plate”

Today Limb lengthening is preformed all around the world on the tibia or femurs, which have more soft tissue and nerves around it than the clavicle, making it more of a risk. You will also be lengthening less on the clavicle than people typically do for the tibia or femurs.

One of the most common breaks in high school football = collarbone, usually the break is not clean also. Making a cut in the bone makes it a relatively clean break. You can see some kids who break their collar bones in high school and then usually have the shoulder being wider or narrower than the other.

I know lifting will make me muscular, it will not make me physically broader. Sure I can look wider when I flex my lats, but I don’t stand in that position all the time and I’m not going to that every second.

It’s CL or bust for me. Or I can get implants which are a last resort. My goal is 2cm per clavicle = big difference.

Can you post a pic? If not it’s cool but I’m picturing you shaped like a broom? Also what type of length are you expecting to get from this surgery?

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I am narrow but I am not the narrowest guy you will see. Probably because I am on the taller side. I do not know my exact shoulder width but I can judge enough to know that I have a small frame. I have thin wrists, but so does my dad and he has wide shoulders so I guess that theory is kind of inaccurate. I am hoping to gain atleast 2cm per clavicle which will be a 1.5 inch increase full clavicle wise. If not 1.5 cm and then I will get 1cm deltoid implants. 2cm on each clavicle is a big difference.

You could earn 1cms on your delts faster than you can pay off the surgery.

Go join the peace core or another organization. There’s people that actually need help in the world. Meanwhile, you want to make your bones longer. Good grief.

1 cm is equal to ~1/3 of an inch. You could add that to your delts using a shake weight.

You cannot widen your bone structure through lifting. 1cm is probably the most you will get due to rounding of the deltoid, but even that is pushing it. People don’t really understand for some reason, someone who is not flexing their lats will look the exact same width size from the front, they just obviously has more muscle now. You think if lifting naturally made great improvements to shoulder width I would even be wanting to waste money on this procedure? No, if you’re narrow before lifting you’re going to be narrow after lifting. I will wait for a pic to prove otherwise of someone who is natural and isn’t flexing their lats.

Yeah that’s probably not as big of an increase as I was thinking you would get. I’ve easily increased my shoulder width by much more than that over the years. I too was very narrow in high school and now I’m fairly wide for my size. Phil Heath as narrow clavicles. Frank zane has narrow clavicles. And I kinda hate to admire a random dudes physique on these forums I don’t know but flipcollar on here was tiny and now has one of the best physiques on here.

Really with that little gain I don’t see why you would do the surgery. But hey it’s your money you can do what you want. I’d caution you from getting it since you’ve said you would only do this surgery then literally a couple of hours later you said you would get your delts done. Guess what when you’re as wide as you want you won’t be as thick as you want so chest might be next. You can buy the body you want or you can work for it.

Without a pic I can probably guess your diet isn’t sufficient, your workouts lack the intensity to make progress and your programing lacks guidance. You haven’t answered any questions related too actual lifting or diet on a BODYBUILDING forum.

Again do what you want. I’ll be following along I’m super interested.

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I agree. You must really not care about yourself if you’re not trolling.

Youre better off having Baleen Whale Fluke Muscle implanted in your shoulders.

Or just get Tony and Rocco to take care of your clavicle issue in the alley with a tire iron.

This thread is full retard.

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Maybe find someone with large clavicles who would like small ones and do a swap.


The problem with getting Wider (side to side) is that it really shows lack of Thickness (front to back).

Have you considered what might happen to your pecs when they are stretched and flattened??

You might disappear when you turn sideways!

The only time I heard of someone doing this for cosmetic issues is in Gattaca


If the OP isnt worried about DNA issues then he will be good. Otherwise, Gattaca enforcement will reclass him


I’d say that this takes the cake, but with those willowy clavicles there’s no way he’s carrying a cake.

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What, exactly, does this mean?

What’s your current height, weight, and general fat level?

How much bodyweight have you gained through weight training these last two years?

Like the guys have said, you can add much more actual muscular width with a proper training plan. But that will take, like, hard work and patience. Who got time for that, amirite?

John Grimek, before and after a few dozen pounds of muscle and a decade or so of consistent effort:

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I think this is a brilliant idea and definitely not something you’ll regret for the rest of your life.