You wrote a short article (in the LiveSpill?) 1-2 years ago describing the 3 ways to use a sled. I loved that article and want to read it again for tips but can’t find it. In that article, you said something to the effect of sprinting as fast as possible is best for conditioning, moderate-paced speed focusing on muscular contraction is best for hypertrophy, and I can’t remember the 3rd. I also can’t remember duration or length of the pull/push or any other tips you gave. Can you expand on this and fill in where my memory has failed, please?
I had actually copied & pasted this from his livespill a while back:
Types of Sled Movements
TYPE 1: moderate weight/slow movements… these are the best to improve nutrients uptake by the muscles… they thus facilitate recovery the most and help with hypertrophy. The also help with fat loss since more nutrients are sent to the muscles, and less to fat.
TYPE 2: light/moderate weight - fast speed: short bursts of 6-9 seconds with short rest intervals. Depending on the rest intervals these have a great metabolic cost. Since they combine both explosive and eccentric-less work, they have a profound effect on muscle insulin sensitivity. Combined with the metabolic cost, it makes it a GREAT fat loss tool.
TYPE 3: heavy weight/“just get there” kinda speed: I use very heavy 15m pushes/pulls with as much weight as I can do for that distance. I actually treat this as I would a strength lift and gradually ramp the weight up. I find this a great way to increase muscle mass. It is a great way to boost squat, deadlift and olympic lifting performance.