Glute Ham Mach Or Good Mornings

If you were only able to do one of the following which would you choose to build strength in the lower back:

  1. Good Mornings

  2. Glute Ham. Machine

Please do not respond with Dead Lifts or stiff legged dead lifts. I want to focus on the two above.

Thank you

Well are you focusing on hams or your lower back.

IMO(and you vets correct me if i’m wrong) GM’s work you lower back as the primary while hitting your hammies as the secondary. While glute ham machine does the opposite. GHR’s hit your hammie primarily and low back somewhat.

I personally have noticed marked improvements in my squats since using GHR’s regularly in my routine.

Good mornings for damn sure. GHR’s will kill your hamstrings… but if you want to work your lowback … GM’s are the way to go.

fullcount22 said:

IMO(and you vets correct me if i’m wrong) GM’s work you lower back as the primary while hitting your hammies as the secondary.

Actually, it’s the opposite. GM’s work hammies as primary and lower back as secondary. Articles that talk about this subject:


I won’t argue with you cuz I don’t know the mechanics of it. But I get more low back action than hammy work with good mornings. As I said, In My Opinion. Everyone is different.

good mornings suspended from chains or off pins while using the safety squat bar…big martin


I’m no expert either. It probably has to do with how you do them. Different stances, different form, etc. probably puts more emphasis on lower back vs. hamstrings and vice versa.


I think the more you round your back during the GM, the more low back you’ll work.

I did them last Monday, at the heaviest weight I’ve done them, and they killed my hams.

I still say DLs for low back.

Good mornings.

Good Afternoons