Anyone have any recommendations on which brand of glutamine to buy and where to get it cheaply online? Ideally, I’d like to get 1000g for under $45 or so with decent shipping rates. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks. has 100 grams for $7 bucks. They might discount for larger quantities. Also kilosports has 1000 grams for $40. I have used beyond a century and they are reputable, I have no personal experience with kilosports.
you can get ast research glutamine 1200g for around $50 per tub at
the company is great, and they offer phenominal prices. has 1000 grams of Glutamine Peptide from AR Nutrition for 29.95$
This is cheaper than most places sell regular Glutamine. Glutamine peptides are absorbed better than Glutamine though glutamine peptides usally cost more. I don’t know much about AR nutrition though, dont know if they are a good company or not.
Nutrition Express offers 454gms from Fitness Labs and Champion Nutrition for $26-$27. They also have 1000gms by EAS for $55 ($50 if buy 2 or more) They have a flat shipping rate of $4 no matter size of order. I have been doing buisness with Nutrition Express for a few years and have had no problems.
You can go to thier web page or call 1-800-338-7979. They also have a mag with all the supplements, vitamins, herbs, etc. they carry.
I’d be interested in learning about other supplement suppliers which are cheap and reputable.
Anyone know if AST’s GL3 L-Glutamine is a reputable product. I can get 1200g of that for about 54, or 1000g of EAS powder for 50. Which would you choose?
i am gonna second arnutrition at dps…
I’ll third dps… best prices online… no exceptions.
Thanks for the info. I just ordered two canisters of AR glutamine from They were pretty good on shipping charges, too. Thanks again.
To me, the best glutamine (or glutamine delivery system) is being retailed by Hormel Health Labs, it is called Glutasorb. More info can be obtained from Hormel at 1-800-866-7757
go to
check out their l-glutamine calculate the price according to the sale that they are running currently. should be real cheap. laters pk