Made you look!
Here’s a little video of a women-only krav session one of my students made for her marketing class at UT. All the students but two are having their very first class. I’m the first person speaking on film.
Made you look!
Here’s a little video of a women-only krav session one of my students made for her marketing class at UT. All the students but two are having their very first class. I’m the first person speaking on film.
great job miss parker the knee is good tactical weapon against a male apponant
Cool vid’.
Never done KM myself but looks fun.
I have my wife and daughter taking Krav…they both love it. I’ll send this vid to them.
Great job Parker. Looks like a very physically demanding class, and I know you’ve got the right mindset to teach it.
Just make sure you take care of that hot little blond who took her first class and thinks she can brawl with a guy.
thanks, y’all!
[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
Great job Parker. Looks like a very physically demanding class, and I know you’ve got the right mindset to teach it.
Just make sure you take care of that hot little blond who took her first class and thinks she can brawl with a guy. ;)[/quote]
She is a cutie, isn’t she? Actually, she was talking about me & Linda, the other instructor (the one with the raspy voice). But people do tend to come out of their first class on some sort of weird “I’m a ninja now” high!
[quote]Miss Parker wrote:
FightinIrish26 wrote:
Great job Parker. Looks like a very physically demanding class, and I know you’ve got the right mindset to teach it.
Just make sure you take care of that hot little blond who took her first class and thinks she can brawl with a guy.
She is a cutie, isn’t she? Actually, she was talking about me & Linda, the other instructor (the one with the raspy voice). But people do tend to come out of their first class on some sort of weird “I’m a ninja now” high![/quote]
Haven’t seen the vid yet but feel free to send her down here to visit me. I will put her in her place as it were
its the same with new guys in BJJ or MT. I like KM a lot. I wish there was a decent, non-McDojo here in Waco. I love Austin but right now, I’m stuck in the butthole of Texas. All the MA’s here suffer from extreme McDojoism so I built me a little training facility at home…booooo.
Admbaum, I had no idea you were in Waco. You have my sympathies. Seriously.
Interesting except that none of this would work against even an average man that wants to create mayhem on a woman…not to say women shouldn’t learn to fight. But women shouldn’t be under the delusion that they can kick a man’s ass…it won’t work out too well for them.
[quote]mmllcc wrote:
Interesting except that none of this would work against even an average man that wants to create mayhem on a woman…not to say women shouldn’t learn to fight. But women shouldn’t be under the delusion that they can kick a man’s ass…it won’t work out too well for them.
Yeah,because believing you have no options and should just accept your “fate” because you’re a woman meshes really well with wanting to survive a violent situation. Don’t know why some of you “above average” guys try this bullshit whenever Ms.P posts something of this sort. This isn’t about a woman squaring off with a man. If you need to be reminded of that,you have nothing to debate here.
[quote]mmllcc wrote:
Interesting except that none of this would work against even an average man that wants to create mayhem on a woman…not to say women shouldn’t learn to fight. But women shouldn’t be under the delusion that they can kick a man’s ass…it won’t work out too well for them.
Guess I’d better tell my friend Beverly, who was attacked recently by a man much larger than her after a fender bender & left him lying on the side of the road after giving him multiple knees when he grabbed her & tried to hit her. She’ll be sorry to hear how delusional she is.
Perhaps it was simply time for his nap?
Is it typical for a woman to defeat a man when she’s attacked? No, of course not.
Is it impossible for a woman to defeat a man when she’s attacked? No, of course not.
If it were impossible it would never have happened, and it has happened repeatedly.
In almost all cases of physical confrontation where one person is stronger or larger, that person will win. Women who train do so in order to be the exception to that rule.
I was about to write that I train because otherwise I can’t win, but that’s wrong…I know a couple of untrained women who have successfully fought off attackers.
So, I guess I’ll say instead that I train to increase my chances of survival. It’s not a guarantee, but my odds are getting better the longer & harder that I work.
[quote]Miss Parker wrote:
mmllcc wrote:
Interesting except that none of this would work against even an average man that wants to create mayhem on a woman…not to say women shouldn’t learn to fight. But women shouldn’t be under the delusion that they can kick a man’s ass…it won’t work out too well for them.
Guess I’d better tell my friend Beverly, who was attacked recently by a man much larger than her after a fender bender & left him lying on the side of the road after giving him multiple knees when he grabbed her & tried to hit her. She’ll be sorry to hear how delusional she is.
Perhaps it was simply time for his nap?
Is it typical for a woman to defeat a man when she’s attacked? No, of course not.
Is it impossible for a woman to defeat a man when she’s attacked? No, of course not.
If it were impossible it would never have happened, and it has happened repeatedly.
In almost all cases of physical confrontation where one person is stronger or larger, that person will win. Women who train do so in order to be the exception to that rule.
I was about to write that I train because otherwise I can’t win, but that’s wrong…I know a couple of untrained women who have successfully fought off attackers.
So, I guess I’ll say instead that I train to increase my chances of survival. It’s not a guarantee, but my odds are getting better the longer & harder that I work.[/quote]
O.k. tough girl…I never said one shouldn’t fight back or that you could not increase your chances of winning in a confrontation. Read what I wrote, not what you wanted to read. At about 2:28 you have some delusional girl that says, “you see those girls in there and they obviously…beat the crap out of any guys…” So someone is teaching a false sense of confidence here.
As to your anecdotal story – sure most schoolgirls can beat up an overweight 85 year old…so don’t get to boasty here.
[quote]Big_Boss wrote:
mmllcc wrote:
Interesting except that none of this would work against even an average man that wants to create mayhem on a woman…not to say women shouldn’t learn to fight. But women shouldn’t be under the delusion that they can kick a man’s ass…it won’t work out too well for them.
Yeah,because believing you have no options and should just accept your “fate” because you’re a woman meshes really well with wanting to survive a violent situation. Don’t know why some of you “above average” guys try this bullshit whenever Ms.P posts something of this sort. This isn’t about a woman squaring off with a man. If you need to be reminded of that,you have nothing to debate here. [/quote]
I was just calling her out on a dumbass comment in her video…see my post to her response. Sounds like you need a tissue. Stop crying already!
[quote]Miss Parker wrote:
Admbaum, I had no idea you were in Waco. You have my sympathies. Seriously.[/quote]
thank you very much, this place is awful but I’m trying to make the best of it. Might have to open my own gym to do it though. But that’s OK, I want out of computers and start working for myself. Geek life, sitting behind a computer all day, is terrible on your cardio and countless other things.
[quote]admbaum wrote:
Miss Parker wrote:
Admbaum, I had no idea you were in Waco. You have my sympathies. Seriously.
thank you very much, this place is awful but I’m trying to make the best of it. Might have to open my own gym to do it though. But that’s OK, I want out of computers and start working for myself. Geek life, sitting behind a computer all day, is terrible on your cardio and countless other things.
Well, cool, if you open your own place let us know. I’ll stop by sometime on my way to Dallas.
[quote]mmllcc wrote:
Big_Boss wrote:
mmllcc wrote:
Interesting except that none of this would work against even an average man that wants to create mayhem on a woman…not to say women shouldn’t learn to fight. But women shouldn’t be under the delusion that they can kick a man’s ass…it won’t work out too well for them.
Yeah,because believing you have no options and should just accept your “fate” because you’re a woman meshes really well with wanting to survive a violent situation. Don’t know why some of you “above average” guys try this bullshit whenever Ms.P posts something of this sort. This isn’t about a woman squaring off with a man. If you need to be reminded of that,you have nothing to debate here.
I was just calling her out on a dumbass comment in her video…see my post to her response. Sounds like you need a tissue. Stop crying already![/quote]
We discussed that comment already, that girl was on her first class “I’m a ninja now” high.
You seem kinda cranky. Big Boss doesn’t need a tissue. He’s big and he’s the boss. Sheesh.
Great job, Parker! You can tell that you really believe in what you teach and I’m sure your students enjoy learning from you. You came across very well in the video and your school should look to use you more in any promotional videos or TV interviews.
Nice work on those kicks, too
[quote]Miss Parker wrote:
mmllcc wrote:
Interesting except that none of this would work against even an average man that wants to create mayhem on a woman…not to say women shouldn’t learn to fight. But women shouldn’t be under the delusion that they can kick a man’s ass…it won’t work out too well for them.
Guess I’d better tell my friend Beverly, who was attacked recently by a man much larger than her after a fender bender & left him lying on the side of the road after giving him multiple knees when he grabbed her & tried to hit her. She’ll be sorry to hear how delusional she is.
Perhaps it was simply time for his nap?
Is it typical for a woman to defeat a man when she’s attacked? No, of course not.
Is it impossible for a woman to defeat a man when she’s attacked? No, of course not.
If it were impossible it would never have happened, and it has happened repeatedly.
In almost all cases of physical confrontation where one person is stronger or larger, that person will win. Women who train do so in order to be the exception to that rule.
I was about to write that I train because otherwise I can’t win, but that’s wrong…I know a couple of untrained women who have successfully fought off attackers.
So, I guess I’ll say instead that I train to increase my chances of survival. It’s not a guarantee, but my odds are getting better the longer & harder that I work.[/quote]
Typically when someone attacks someone they have picked a victim that they think will not fight back. When that victim responds aggresively the attackers normal reaction is to get the hell out of Dodge.
Of course this is not always the case but it as others have said it is better than just lying there.
Also, the very fact that someone’s self confidence has improved from the training will make them less likely to appear a victim.
This obviously needs to be counterbalanced by the risk of women deliberately putting themselves in harms way because they have a false sense of their own ability to defend themseleves (which I would hope that Ms P covers with her students.) 99% of self defence is not being in the situation in the first place.