[quote]PAINTRAINDave wrote:
Its you, 100%.
You’re probably a bitch whiney, demanding, complaining sack of estradiol while on a SERM.
What dose were you running? Clomid or Nolva?
IMO stock up on OTC supplements and Cialis, so that you are 1.) constantly attacking your girl(s) with a rock hard penis and 2.) not looking like a bloated sack of fat. This will help you keep your unquantifiable ‘alphaness’. Also be sure to give her lots of space, high E will make you clingy (think of everything you fear going into a relationship), if your around her less she will desire you more, in some cases, and attribute your mood changes to business and fatigue.
You could also try a stasis taper. It really does work, despite what people say about the length of HPTA suppression etc.
I really think the best option overall is to her the truth, although I understand why in many cases thats not really an option.
-PTD [/quote]
Thats the problem this time around I was doing a stasis taper so I truely believe it took longer for the inevitable to happen but regarding the dosage i was on 20mg of Nolva during the taper. The previous 3 times I did not do the taper so I did the regular nolva protocol and the relationship fell to shit sooner. i
would say the average was 5 to 6 weeks after the start of pct the relationship was over and the excuse all 3 times was they lost interest. for me this cannot be a coincidence. the other fucked up issue is that prior to the first cycle i ever did about 7 years ago i always had these problems with women. it was only after i did my first cycle i had a relationship last much longer than 1 month and of course that ended the minute my cycle was over.
since that time up until a cycle a year and a half ago i had the same recurring relationship issues. since then the last 3 relationships i had while on a cycle ended as soon as pct started. so im convinced i may naturally have low t and the combination of the pct and a serm just exacerbates the issue and when i’m on cycle all of these issues disappear and make me completely normal. I know this is alot but i’ve been trying to figure this shit out for the last week and it really pisses me off because i dont know what the hell is going on but i’m tired of going through this. if i gotta be on for life then so be it, i’d rather be on aas than taking a shit ton of mental medications.
The current one knows I was on and knew everything and I tried to warn her I could possibly be acting different but it didnt matter because the same shit happened but difference is she hasnt left quite yet and we are working on the relationship. But going back and reflecting on the last 2 months even during the statis taper i was getting very needy, very bitchy, and very clingy. I reacted to shit that would never bother me when i’m on.