[quote]Babalu wrote:
forgot to mention other sweet ones would be one legged bodyweight squats, hindu sqauts, triangular pushups, overhead squats and maybe some flies or leg extensions for some mass…just go easy for awhile to get the technique down, then lift HEAVY[/quote]
Fuck the bench but add heavy flies and leg extensions for mass?
My suggestion would be for him to KEEP the bench, but try and use it with maybe a 12-16 inch grip, as this will mimic more sporting activites. Also, chins are great, as are front squats. Maybe even sternum chin-ups would be better to get some more scapular retraction so you may not have to do much rowing in order to cut down on time. Posterior chain work is key also.
As for a template to get him started, maybe something like this could work:
You say he has 2 games a week. Lets say he plays on Monday and Thursday. So:
A) Light front squats with emphasis on form, maybe 3-5 sets of 6-10 reps with a weight that would allow “plenty” of reps to be in the hole. Depending on how much playing time he got and how he feels, you may opt for higher or lower on the weight, rep, and set spectrum.
B) Seated Cable Rows, same set/rep guidelines as above.
C) Incline DB press w/neutral grip. Same as above.
D) If they train abs at practice, omit ab traning here. If they do not, hanging leg raises would be great for a soccer player. In this case I would suggest a Tri-set where you do an ab exercise, biceps, than triceps exercise in sequence. Lets face it the kid is in high school let him leave the gym with a pumped set of arms and he just may come back!
A sample would be:
D1) Hanging leg raises X12
D2) Dumbbell Zottman Curls X8
D3) Kneeling cable extensions facing away from stack X 8
Repeat 2-3 times.
On Saturdays:
A) RDL’s: 3-5 sets of 6-8 reps, again start slow and progress accordingly.
B) Sternum chins: I do not know his strength levels so you will have to see where he stands with this exercise and go from there
C) 14 " grip bench press: Same and RDL’s.
D1) Sprinter sit-ups X12
D2) Dips (again, you pick the rep range)
D3) Straight bar curls X 6-8
Do 2-3 times.
Hope this helps. Again, keep him motivated using productive exercises and he will be glad with his success.
Pat Battaglia