Okay. So here it is. Until recently, after my newbie gains, I’ve gained lean mass at a slower, but steady rate.
For about a 7 month period, ending about three months ago, I’ve stagnated.
I’d say I have a fairly “decent” build so far.
6’1, 214 lbs, 8% bodyfat (caliper test, don’t care about accuracy, to gauge, I know I can see my abs, which makes me happy even though I know I shouldn’t care)
I haven’t measured my arms in about a year, but now I KNOW they’re definitely over 17 inches, because I know they’ve gotten bigger from a year ago.
My problem is… my stretch marks.
I’ve changed my routine to a more preset one (ABBH, Chad Waterbury) and man, I started growing like a weed again (with of course, some slight changes in diet.)
I know I’m primarily a mesomorph, but the strech marks are different. I’m used to realizing that I might get the light colored or slightly pink stretch marks, which I do (arms, shoulders) but I have those nasty slightly purplish ones (they’re not a dark purple, but you know they are purple and they certainly aren’t pink) on my quads and my chest (especially in the area adjacent to the anterior deltoid).
A few questions:
Why purple instead of the ones like on my arms?
And does Cocoa Butter and Vitamin E Oil really work?