You do realize HRT is not going to simply add testosterone to what you already produce. You add that and your body will compensate by shutting down, just like if you use anything else.
So you will go from low test to full shutdown which = shrunken balls for as long as you remain on HRT and you can wave goodbye to your sperm production as well. HRT is a horrible solution for anyone but old men who have already had thier children, and their balls are pretty much useless anyway.
[quote]RoidEnthusiast wrote:
You do realize HRT is not going to simply add testosterone to what you already produce. You add that and your body will compensate by shutting down, just like if you use anything else.
So you will go from low test to full shutdown which = shrunken balls for as long as you remain on HRT and you can wave goodbye to your sperm production as well. HRT is a horrible solution for anyone but old men who have already had thier children, and their balls are pretty much useless anyway. [/quote]
Thats me dude, my missus wants me to have the snip, I have 1 child and 1 on the way, so I do not give a shit about my nuts to be honest, its not like anyone ever looks at them anyway
Well, then you are free of the tyranny of your scrotum. From what I hear the shots are more effective than the androgel. Low test symptoms- say your constantly tired, irritable, muscles recover slowly, no libido, shit like that.
also I have thought that lets say the doc prescribes me 1 shot a week, I can do 10 weeks on and 10 weeks off, the 10 weeks I am off I will still be getting 1 amp a week off the chemist, the 10 weeks that I am on I can use the extra from when I was off and double my dose.
There is an article on the site, I think by Cy called “Your Doctor, Your Dealer”. I used that in my “campaign” and it worked, although in the end I had to tell my doc that if they didn’t prescribe I would just buy it on the net anyway.
Personally, I haven’t seen any nut shrinkage at all. Libido up, workouts good - but I must admit that I am thinking about going over to the dark side.
[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
Rockscar wrote:
electric_eales wrote:
Can anyone offer any advice as to how i might go about getting my doctor to put me on HRT?
I am convinced I have naturally low test levels and would be happy for him to test me (once I come off current cycle of course)
But what symptoms of low test can I complain of?
Anyone thas on HRT, why did your doc put you on it?
Can you get on HRT in the UK?
Many questions sorry but any input is appreciated cheers
It’s funny you woudn’t even know symptoms while reserching HRT. Google it and it’s all there.
Also it’s simply not telling your doc these symptoms. They need to be verified with a blood test.
True, but there are ways to stress your body, so that there will be less test in your system for the doc to measure. Off the top of my head: eat really low fat for a few days, get minimal sleep, and train really hard (CV) for a few days before the blood test. you will look and feel like shit probably, and you should have reduced your natural test production.
Is it worth going through that just to get a prescription for a teeny-tiny dose of test that you hacve to pay for anyway?
356 Total T.
I’m enrolling this week for HRT. It’s expensive, but I want to do this right. The right HGH, Test and anti estrogens is critical to balace it all right.
[quote]RoidEnthusiast wrote:
Low test symptoms- say your constantly tired, irritable, muscles recover slowly, no libido, shit like that. [/quote]
I just started HRT due to the fact that I have all the symptoms. Had my 5th shot this morning and don’t really feel any different. Of course, it does take up to 4 weeks for the stuff to kick in.
As far as your nuts shutting down, if you do a short cycle and follow up with the post therapy (clomide), eat healthy, take supplements, exercise… I think you can save your nut’s from extinction.