Getting Clients From Working Floor Shifts

Hey everyone, long time lurker, first time poster.

I have been dabbling in personal training for a while since graduating college and I currently train a large collegiate team in strength and conditioning. However this season is ending and I got the opportunity to work full-time at a brand new high-end gym opening up in the area.

I will be working at the gym within the first week it opens, and everyone has to work floor shifts for a while until you reach a quota for whats considered “full time” in number of sessions per week. My gym does offer complimentary assessment session to new members (which everyone will be) so that will definitely help.

My question to the experienced personal trainers out there is what strategies have you used to help maximize your clientele and become successful trainers? Has anyone had success getting clients from working floor shifts? I have read through this whole thread by Chris Colucci and it was very helpful Trainers Talking Shop - Off Topic - Forums - T Nation

I’m new at this in the commercial gym setting so any help would be appreciated

Personally I found a lot of my suceess came from a couple of areas:

  1. Chat with everyone and share knowledge freely, excessively in fact. I found that if I gave them so much relevant and good info that they couldn’t even pretend to remember it they often asked me to write it down. I always said that was the difference between being a gym attendant and personal training (since we were both). i would happily answer questions and provide advice, info etc but the moment they wanted it written down it became training and I had to charge. Many were happy to pay.

  2. Work out and while working out (and being strong and good) offer advice (gently) to people around you. I used to do the whole “Hey, I’m one of the trainers here would you mind some advice from a guy who’s squatted 600lbs in competition?” I almost never got a no. Obviously if they were benching I’d talk about my bench but you get the idea.

  3. Referrals referrals referrals. Get people to refer to you, give them a reason. A free hour of PT for every 10 they refer you or whatever in the beginning you have a lot of spare time so even if you have to give away free hours in exchange for referrals its not like you were doing anything else.