hey i have been looking at this site for a bit, a friend from the gym was telling me about it. Anyways to give you an idea of what im about, im just under 160lbs, i have taken kinesiology and have a pretty good backround of muscles and such, i used to work out with a couple friends much larger then me and once they got stronger it was impossible to do sets with them because in workouts such as bench i would bench 170 and they would be lifting 260 and changing the weights would get anoying to say the least. The physological aspects werent working either, I wouldnt feel happy about lifting what i could lift because i would be 100lbs under their bench lifts. Anyways I had an ankle injury and family emergency and i gave up going to the gym and I have suffered a good amount of atrophy in my chest, well everywhere and i have told myself i have to get back into working out. So i ask you guys what you think the best day/muscle workouts are the best. I mean if i do biceps and traps monday what would be the best to follow on tuesday, i would like to get back into the groove as fast as i can, if you have some links i should check out or any advice i would really appretiate it, another thing if it helps is that although by weight i am considered ‘small’ my muscles tend to make me look alot heavier and because of my athletic slate i tend to be really define,