I notice the Canadian T-Men have been quite successful in getting their nandrosol/androsol through customs. My question, is, have any of you Australian guys been successful in getting nandrosol/androsol in. I’d love to try some but anything i order from overseas tends to get checked by customs, and the cost of sending it back to the supplier + reshelving fee, makes it a costly experience should it not get through. Any past experience or suggestions people?
I don’t think it’s such a good idea mate…the Australian customs are pretty strict, that’s an understatement…they’re too damned paranoid…Biotest refused to ship it because of prior customs problems…even the Aussie distributor can’t get it in…speaking of Androsol, i don’t think that even MD6 is obtainable here…
I’ve only ever got one illegal product through customs, Norandrostenedione (if only i knew). This was about a year and a half ago. Since then, it seems to have becomes more difficult (maybe due to the Olympic games in part). It seems to me, it would be easier to order small quantities of roids. Plenty of places post them in secure envelopes and i think a pack of orals would have no trouble getting through (on average). Damn laws!