Very sad.
At first I couldnt believe it I thought it might be a joke…but wow talk about incredibly unlucky. Scroll down a little when you click on the link.
Very sad.
At first I couldnt believe it I thought it might be a joke…but wow talk about incredibly unlucky. Scroll down a little when you click on the link.
Amazing…but so sad.
That is one of the strangest things I’ve seen in a long time.
Yep, I bet she is glad she took that flu shot. It’s disgusting what doctors are pushing off on people these days. I’m sure he told her it was very important.
A guy I know who is elderly, but still does construction work. Has never had the flu in his life. Now that he is getting up in years his doctor told him he should be getting the flu shots. One day after he got his first shot 3 years ago he came down with a severe respitory infection. He still has it today. Always coughing and wheezing, the antibiotics he has been given wont touch it.
There is shit in these flu shots that is not normal. How many people get paralyzed or have these bizzare problems when they encounter the flu naturally. I’m not saying someone is intentionally spiking the flu shots with bad shit, but it’s possible.
It’s also possible that they just don’t know what the fuck they are dealing with and due to big pharm making money off these, they just throw caution to the wind and push them on thier patients.
The flue shot in some studies has been 30% effective at reducing the flu occurances. Vitamin D is over 60% effective. One is safe, one can literally fuck you up for the rest of your life or even kill you.
you can’t be serious can u vagita??? The flu has killed millions and millions of people in the past century. do u know how a flu shot works? its extremely effective for the majority of people and doctors know exactly wat they give to there patients.
the shot isn’t 100% effective bc the flu is so pro mutation and there is a prediction phase were they try to predict which strains are going to be the most dangerous and sometimes they get it wrong, but they are quite good at it. sure there are some very unfortunate incidents, the shot save’s many many more.
if u want to talk about money, think about all the money lost from sick workers at are unable to go to work or go to work and not be productive. The majority of people DEFIANTLY SHOULD GET A FLU SHOT!
I tried watching the video but the sound is all messed up. Either way, anyone read Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six? Yeah I’ll avoid vaccinations I think.
[quote]Vegita wrote:
Yep, I bet she is glad she took that flu shot. It’s disgusting what doctors are pushing off on people these days. I’m sure he told her it was very important.
A guy I know who is elderly, but still does construction work. Has never had the flu in his life. Now that he is getting up in years his doctor told him he should be getting the flu shots. One day after he got his first shot 3 years ago he came down with a severe respitory infection. He still has it today. Always coughing and wheezing, the antibiotics he has been given wont touch it. There is shit in these flu shots that is not normal. How many people get paralyzed or have these bizzare problems when they encounter the flu naturally. I’m not saying someone is intentionally spiking the flu shots with bad shit, but it’s possible. It’s also possible that they just don’t know what the fuck they are dealing with and due to big pharm making money off these, they just throw caution to the wind and push them on thier patients.
The flue shot in some studies has been 30% effective at reducing the flu occurances. Vitamin D is over 60% effective. One is safe, one can literally fuck you up for the rest of your life or even kill you.
Yay Fear Mongering!
This post is so full of irresponsible nonsense I dont know where to start. The REGULAR flu kills hundreds of thousands of people annually… I’ll bet they sure are glad they didnt get that flu shot, right?
While the flu shot is not 100% effective (please point me to “some studies” that show a 30% efficacy from year-to-year and not just for one strain of one flu inside one vaccine for one year. The “vaccine” actually protects against a number of strains predicted that year, not a single strain), it is nearly 100% safe for most people to take, and will help most to avoid getting a potnentially life threatening illness.
This doesnt even take into account something like H1N1 which is hitting younger, healthier patients harder than normal. Pregnant women mortality is 9x as high with this flu for some reason, and the vaccine has been shown 96% effective. It is not shown whether the flu shot provides any increased immunity in the elderly at this time to my knowledge.
Are there freak cases of people having a reaction to the vaccine? Of course, and its absolutely tragic. But this is like saying DONT WEAR SEATBELTS because someone got into a car accident and was strangled by the seatbelt. The VAST majority of the time people will be helped by their seatbelt, and unfortunately there are other cases where a tragic outcome happens.
PLEASE link to me a study(multiple, independent studies would be best) showing the comparison between vitamin D proving a 60% success rate in stopping people from getting the flu, compared to 30% for a flu shot.
For further reading on the safety and efficacy of flu vacccines: Flu Vaccine Efficacy | Science-Based Medicine - Which has links to many other articles in it in which more info can be found.
[quote]Lonnie123 wrote:
Vegita wrote:
Yep, I bet she is glad she took that flu shot. It’s disgusting what doctors are pushing off on people these days. I’m sure he told her it was very important.
A guy I know who is elderly, but still does construction work. Has never had the flu in his life. Now that he is getting up in years his doctor told him he should be getting the flu shots. One day after he got his first shot 3 years ago he came down with a severe respitory infection. He still has it today. Always coughing and wheezing, the antibiotics he has been given wont touch it. There is shit in these flu shots that is not normal. How many people get paralyzed or have these bizzare problems when they encounter the flu naturally. I’m not saying someone is intentionally spiking the flu shots with bad shit, but it’s possible. It’s also possible that they just don’t know what the fuck they are dealing with and due to big pharm making money off these, they just throw caution to the wind and push them on thier patients.
The flue shot in some studies has been 30% effective at reducing the flu occurances. Vitamin D is over 60% effective. One is safe, one can literally fuck you up for the rest of your life or even kill you.
Yay Fear Mongering!
This post is so full of irresponsible nonsense I dont know where to start. The REGULAR flu kills hundreds of thousands of people annually… I’ll bet they sure are glad they didnt get that flu shot, right?
While the flu shot is not 100% effective (please point me to “some studies” that show a 30% efficacy from year-to-year and not just for one strain of one flu inside one vaccine for one year. The “vaccine” actually protects against a number of strains predicted that year, not a single strain), it is nearly 100% safe for most people to take, and will help most to avoid getting a potnentially life threatening illness.
This doesnt even take into account something like H1N1 which is hitting younger, healthier patients harder than normal. Pregnant women mortality is 9x as high with this flu for some reason, and the vaccine has been shown 96% effective. It is not shown whether the flu shot provides any increased immunity in the elderly at this time to my knowledge.
Are there freak cases of people having a reaction to the vaccine? Of course, and its absolutely tragic. But this is like saying DONT WEAR SEATBELTS because someone got into a car accident and was strangled by the seatbelt. The VAST majority of the time people will be helped by their seatbelt, and unfortunately there are other cases where a tragic outcome happens.
PLEASE link to me a study(multiple, independent studies would be best) showing the comparison between vitamin D proving a 60% success rate in stopping people from getting the flu, compared to 30% for a flu shot.
For further reading on the safety and efficacy of flu vacccines: Flu Vaccine Efficacy | Science-Based Medicine - Which has links to many other articles in it in which more info can be found.[/quote]
I don’t even need to link to a study. Here is a link to the weekly CDC stats on Flu. These are the percentages of the population who are infected. Lets look.
Wow as a nation there is a 29% infection rate. That must mean that as a group, including people who have the vaccine and people who do not have the vaccine, there is a 70% chance you do not have the flu. What are the numbers the CDC claims for flu shot efficacy? Isn’t it like 70% IF the strains are predicted correctly? This seems to be exactly what normal avoidance of the flu is. Wow that was real hard to come up with.
Look, the problem is that people are being led to believe there is no risk to the flu shots. They are also being led to believe they will greatly increase thier resistance, when in reality, there are some rare but very serious side effects, and a very misleading efficacy. It’s great if the vaccine has a 70% efficacy, but if not taking the flu shot has a 65% or 70% efficacy also, why risk the serious side effects.
Watch this presentation.
Also as anecdotal evidence for Vitamin D preventing the flu, we can look to a couple factors. Namely, exactly when does the flu season start? It’s not to say there is no flu when it is out of season, but the infection rate is very low. The flu season is directly opposite of when natural Vit D production is highest. It hits when many people do not naturally make VIT D from the sun. Also Flu typically does not hit regions near the equator.
You can do what you want, but don’t tell me I am irresponsible. Just because you want to believe in the propoganda of the flu vaccine, does not make me stupid. I don’t get the flu shot and have yet to die from the flu. Pretty amazing I can take such a risk eh?
I’d hit it.
[quote]on edge wrote:
I’d hit it.[/quote]
do you think she’s ok if she’s doing it doggy style?
[quote]boldar wrote:
you can’t be serious can u vagita??? The flu has killed millions and millions of people in the past century. do u know how a flu shot works? its extremely effective for the majority of people and doctors know exactly wat they give to there patients.
the shot isn’t 100% effective bc the flu is so pro mutation and there is a prediction phase were they try to predict which strains are going to be the most dangerous and sometimes they get it wrong, but they are quite good at it. sure there are some very unfortunate incidents, the shot save’s many many more.
if u want to talk about money, think about all the money lost from sick workers at are unable to go to work or go to work and not be productive. The majority of people DEFIANTLY SHOULD GET A FLU SHOT! [/quote]
I agree with Vegita. I think the risk involved with getting a flu shot is very low but I also think the reward is very low. Purely from my own observation, the flu shot is very ineffective. Ten people at my work, 3 of us declinve the vaccine when they come in every year and I don’t see us getting the flu more frequently. Probably less if anything. In 13 years here I haven’t had the flu. Only one time in my life have I had it.
[quote]HolyMacaroni wrote:
on edge wrote:
I’d hit it.
do you think she’s ok if she’s doing it doggy style?[/quote]
Probably perfectly normal. I think it’d be more interesting with her on top, facing.
Edit: Might be hard not to laugh though.
[quote]HolyMacaroni wrote:
on edge wrote:
I’d hit it.
do you think she’s ok if she’s doing it doggy style?[/quote]
I think as long as she is NOT on top it’s fine. That way the germs don’t fall down onto you. It’s simple physics.
[quote]boldar wrote:
you can’t be serious can u vagita??? The flu has killed millions and millions of people in the past century. do u know how a flu shot works? its extremely effective for the majority of people and doctors know exactly wat they give to there patients.
the shot isn’t 100% effective bc the flu is so pro mutation and there is a prediction phase were they try to predict which strains are going to be the most dangerous and sometimes they get it wrong, but they are quite good at it. sure there are some very unfortunate incidents, the shot save’s many many more.
if u want to talk about money, think about all the money lost from sick workers at are unable to go to work or go to work and not be productive. The majority of people DEFIANTLY SHOULD GET A FLU SHOT! [/quote]
People that die from the flu almost always have some other ailment…in other words they are already in a sickly or weakened state. So you can’t blame those deaths entirely on the flu. It is true - the flu vaccine sucks. Vit D is superior in every way.
That is so sad. It’s the possibility of things like this happening that make it so I don’t get a shot. I’m not all anti flu shots, I take my grandma to get one every year, but I don’t think it’s worth the risk for someone who is younger, fit, and able bodied.
[quote]Vegita wrote:
I don’t get the flu shot and have yet to die from the flu. Pretty amazing I can take such a risk eh?
Nearly a quater million people each year are not in a position to make that statement…
To back up Vegita, not that he needs it.
How to not get the flu/sick:(In no particular order)
1)Stay active - immunity
2)Eat well - immunity
4)Take your vitamins/fish oils etc.
5)Wash hands before you grab/eat food
6)Don’t put things in your mouth such as pens, pencils that often people chew on.
7)Stay away from people who are sick
Tried to make a 10 list but really is this new news to us?
That’s horrible.
I wonder how much news attention she’d get if she was a fat ugly dude. I mean, probably still some, but it’s not as much of a ratings boost as having the word “cheerleader” in their headlines. :-/
[quote]Vegita wrote:
Watch this presentation.
Also as anecdotal evidence for Vitamin D preventing the flu, we can look to a couple factors. Namely, exactly when does the flu season start? It’s not to say there is no flu when it is out of season, but the infection rate is very low. The flu season is directly opposite of when natural Vit D production is highest. It hits when many people do not naturally make VIT D from the sun. Also Flu typically does not hit regions near the equator.
You can do what you want, but don’t tell me I am irresponsible. Just because you want to believe in the propoganda of the flu vaccine, does not make me stupid. I don’t get the flu shot and have yet to die from the flu. Pretty amazing I can take such a risk eh?
No such thing as anecdotal “evidence” … Just anecdotes.
I dont have time to watch the full presentation, but I am well aware of the vit D deficiency that is currently happening, although you seem to be much more up on the data than I am at this time, so I wont pretend to know more about its effects than you… Although from my experience these things tend to be over hyped (vitamins and such being “cure alls”)
The stats from the CDC at this time are absolutely useless, considering “flu season” is barely starting. Not to mention some of the regions are already at 50%. Wait a few months and see if your 70% holds up so well.
No one is selling the flu vaccine as absolutely without risks… They are just so ridiculously low it makes no sense to speak about it as equal as not getting the shot. The benefits WAAAAY outweigh the risks when you compare populations, obviously individuals will be hit, but by-and-large its safer for the general population to take than not too. Its like when you buy an airline ticket they dont mention the idea that you will die in an accident. Does it happen? Yep. But its so freakin’ rare its ALMOST a non-issue.
The flu shot is orders of magnitude safer than driving in your car… But I’m willing to bet you do that every single day.
I’ve never gotten a flu shot, but I got the flu pretty bad when I was younger…probably as bad as it could get short of death, was out of school for quite some time. That could be a bit of an exaggeration but I was struggling… My dad gave me Gatorade, I remember I had one of those you have to be kidding me looks, then threw it back up.
Back on point… I just don’t see how it could kill you unless you had another ailment especially at my age 20. Maybe in my late 50s I’ll get the vaccine, but until then I’m fine… live a healthy life style and chances are you’ll stay healthy