Gentically Modified Foods

Wondering if you guys watch out for genetically modified foods. Do you stick with natural foods. I can’t recall reading any articles on T-Mag about this subject. Is their any? I am kind of suspicious of the FDA. Thanks for your thoughts,

I don’t have a problem with bio-technology.I don’t get many ge foods in my diet though on account that i avoid processed food.The ge issue is overblown.There has been lateral transfer of genes in nature numerous times.

More bullshit hyped up by the media - kind of like the ephedrine scare - Grade A B.S.

I agree that there is probably too much scare-hype about it, but for the consideration of safety I prefer organic and natural when possible. The FDA, as I’ve learned, has absolutely no tests on the long-term effects of GM foods on human health, which concerns me (and which seems to belie the assurances that “Oh, they’re totally safe!” Based on what data?). Even putting aside pshyiological risks, GM foods are ecologically terrible, and economically dangerous to many farmers, too. Ask any family farmer about Monsanto’s proprietary seeds program and you’ll get an earful.