Ok, well I really wasn’t trying to be rude, but I guess that ship has sailed.
So keep on crying about how bad your genetics are and embarrassing yourself. It’s actually embarrassing for us to have to read it. “I’m so depressed right now,” “I am literally heartbroken”, “I’m literally almost in tears”. You’re supposed to be an adult human male. A man. I mean, I don’t really buy into the usual macho bullshit of “be a man!” but in your case I think it applies.
You are a massive, chubby pussy crying over how unfair the world is. If you ever hope to succeed in anything, your first move should be to stop being such a pussy.
Ever heard the expression, “laugh and the world laughs with you, weep, and you weep alone”? Well right now you are alone weeping into what I can only assume is a pint of Ben & Jerry’s washed down with a diet coke (because that’s what fat little girls like you drink) while the rest of us are out taking charge of our situations and getting shit done.
Normally I wouldn’t get too into this, but this unusually ground my gears.
If you want to really go down that rabbit hole; this kid I know, a good, smart kid, is in the advanced stages of muscular dystrophy. He’ll never see 25, at the far end. Enough with the victim of poor genetics bs and thank your lucky stars that you can move of your own free will.
Fuck, my fiancee works in the pediatric hospital and watches children die terrible deaths from actual genetic deformities/issues
I can comfort you all you want about how you are so unlucky and just cannot do it but at the end of the day 2020 will come wether you train or not.You can either be bigger and stronger or not.Choose and act accordingly
Dude. Your training and most likely your diet as well is and has been shit for a year. That is the reason you haven’t made any measurable progress. If you act like this, you simply choose to not be bigger and stronger. You can make excuses all you want and blame your genetics but in the end, you are what you choose to be.
You can make progress even if you have crappy genetics. You just need to figure out what works for you. What works for you for training and for diet.
I have completely average genetics yet I’m the best athlete on the planet over the age of 50. If I can be the best athlete on the planet with average genetics, you can make gains with below average genetics.
When i was in my mid 20’s a friend asked me if he could train legs with me. I trained high volume back then and I probably never squatted more than about 250 in that era for me. My friend, a complete novice quickly past me in leg strength. He responded great to high volume while I didn’t.
I’ve found I respond to low volume, high quality. Now at the age of 52 (this winter), when my T levels are supposedly a fraction of what they were in my 20s, my squat will be up around 2x body weight before spring sports roll around.
The quicker you can identify what works for you the better. When in doubt, I’d say go with low volume high quality but I’m biased. (I didn’t read any of your log, sorry)
Same thing with diet. Honestly, I’ve never noticed a huge difference in my health or response to training due to diet but with my wife it makes a tremendous difference. When she’s been on low carb diets her health and fitness has been at its best. For the past few years she’s been on a 80:10:10 fruitarian diet and her body doesn’t respond to exercise and she doesn’t recover from illness. It’s a terrible diet for her but unfortunately she gets her positive feedback from believing in what she’s doing not from actual results.
For your diet and exercise, pay attention to measurable results. What you have been doing hasn’t worked so move on to something else. You should have measurable results within 6 weeks and if you don’t, move on again. I doubt your genetics are so bad you can’t improve at all.
You haven’t done legs for 3 months because of a knee problem when squatting , sounds familiar lol. You expect to get big without training legs ?
You’ve given up on bench press because you wasn’t really made for it and you deloaded for 6 times ? Lol bro these deloads are for someone who has some years in the gym and can push some heavy weights not fucking 40 kgs. If you wanna get big you have to Squat,Deadlift and Bench Press at least 2-3 times per week, eat big , and shut the fuck up with your whining skinny ass bullshit.
How do you know that all of the 27lbs you gained was all fat and zero muscle?
Besides your bench (from 105lbs x 8 to 115lbs x 5) how much have you progressed on the other lifts?
How many strict push ups and strict chin ups/pull ups are you able to do?
How is your form and execution of the basic lifts? (Bench, OH Press, Squat, Deadlift, Rows, Push ups and Chin ups/Pull ups).
Since you gained 27lbs you probably eat enough calories to gain muscle, but what does your diet consist of?
If you answer these questions, perhaps it might iluminate why you are not making the progress you want and perhaps you have actually made som progress, even though you are not aware of it.
Disclaimer: I am not big or strong, but I do make some progress (muscle gain and strenght) when I train consistently for a period, I therefor find it odd that you have made zero progress (according to you) after one year of training and a 27lbs BW gain.
Aye, that’s not good progress but it’s not your genetics that are shit. If you eat well, train hard even with a reasonably good program and rest enough, you will get results. One or more of those aspects was left lacking in your case.
Perhaps not the best progress, but it is still progress and if you keep training, you should progress more. Also there is more to progress than just adding weight or reps, it can also be in the form of better form, higher training capacity, more explosive reps etc.
Have you noticed a change in your form? For instance have your form in the basic lifts improved since you started? 2) Do for instance 5 reps @ 110 in Squats feel lighter and more explosive? 3) Does you bench feel more stable now, compared to have it felt a year ago? 4) Are you able to do more total work in one workout now, compared to when you started? If you answer yes to some or all of this, you have made progress.
My point being that, even though your progress have been slow, it is still progress and if you keep getting better for each year, just think where you will be ten years from now. Remember that training for strenght and muscle is a Marathon not a sprint.