Genetics Got Me, Guys. I Just Can't Do It

I just turned 18. This isnt progress for a year though. Its progress from September 4 to now. I stopped BB benching completely. Instead I started DB Benching and progressed better there. I literally didn’t progress with barbell bench. Form was good because I had people look at it. Everytime I would increase 10lbs on BB Bench, I would have to deload again, and its a vicious cycle. In fact, I’m back to BB bench I did on Sept 4 (110lbsx5). Its not even funny. I’m just doing PPL (modified) 7 times a week.

Still though, depressed as fuck sometimes and people start hating too so thats even more depressing. The key driver for muscle growth is volume and I’m doing enough volume, enough frequency, but the size just aint there. Here is what my training is like right now:

Chest/Tri – 3x5-8 (heavy DB Bench, 50lbs). 3x9 (moderate DB bench, 45lbs), 3x11-12 (light DB bench, 40lbs). 3x8-12 skull crushers, 3x10 DB tricep press (40lbs), 3x10 tricep bar pushdown.

Back/bi/Shoulder – 5x5 BB Row/3x10 BB row (alternating), 3x8-12 lat pulldown wide, overhand, 3x8-12 lat pulldown, underhand close grip, 3x10 incline curl, 3x12 hammer curl, 3x10 BB curl/standing DB curl, 2x5 deadlift sometimes. (Usually after rows) – 3x5-8 heavy DB shoulder press (35lbs each hand). 2x10 moderate DB shoulder press (30lbs each hand). 5x12 lateral raises.

Legs – 4x10/5x5 squat (alternating), 3x12 leg curl, 3x12 hamstring curl

I’m doing everything I can, I’ve been going 7times/week, everyday for the past 4 weeks. I dont feel tired on anything so thats a sign Im not overtraining.

This is why I came to my last conclusion as genetics. I’m literally doing everything I can. Changing rep ranges, going heavier, high volume, increasing frequency, but my body just isn’t responding to it. That’s literally the only reason why I blamed genetics. I dont see anything else I am doing wrong. Nutrition is on point, high calories, 4k, 200g protein, everything is there guys. I even tried supplementing with creatine. I get a pump I feel good at the gym, go home, get depressed again.

I really don’t know what I am doing wrong. Some may say its my program, but what is wrong with the program? I keep trying to progressive overload, increasing reps each workout, but I just dont fucking get it.

So what could be the reason besides genetics then?

Edit: Added some photos. The photo in my first ever post on my training log: Training log is in the beginning of August (not the fat one but just the ones with the black background and hanging doll).

Now: Shit progress

Thanks for helping man, you’re pretty much the only one who is taking it seriously. I appreciate it.