GBC Training

Just wanted to know if anyone on the board has used Polliquin’s German Body Composition training. If so what results were attained. Did anyone include cardio in their schedules, What kinds of diets were used, etc… Any tweaks or tips would be appreciated.

I’ve used it three times, each time longer than the previous one. My reccomendation is only do it for six weeks. Returns seem to diminish quite a bit after a certain point.

I’d avoid any high intensity cardio. Although in looking back I was most successful with it when I walked 20 mins back and forth to my school gym. I also was more succesful with it when I took more time off. So I did one day on and one day off, so basically it was an 8 day work week. I overtrained on it the last time around, so be careful not to push it too much.

I give it a thumbs down. The program’s a lot harder than it needs to be (especially in a hypocaloric state); measures as extreme as GBC are, in my opinion, uncalled for to lose weight. Just work out like normal, add in some light cardio, and reduce your calories. Doing so has always given me results as good as, if not better than, GBC-type programs, and it’s much more pleasant to boot.

Go buy manly weight lost , its answers ever question you ask.

I got great results with it the first three times I used it. The last time I tried some different versions of it by john romano. I can not say that I was very pleased. I bought the manly weight loss book after that, but haven’t used any of the routines because meltdown and fat to the fire articles came out at the same time. I have started losing some weight with fat to the fire. It may not look like it on paper, but I get the same kind of pump and heart rate,ect. that I did the first few times on gbc. I am losing weight again now also. It must be something about doing something that wips your ass (something you are not adapted to) or something,that helps make the body lose weight. The first few times I did the gbc(3 years back) I was training less days and volume than normal, but the weight just dropped off…it had to be related to a hormonal effect,though I was skeptical. I have recently had far more trouble dropping the weight than ever previously. The only other factor was I had gained these sizable love handles after getting off a keto diet…something I never did before(the diet or the rebound gain). I hope this helps, as there must be more to the picture as far as tweaking the routine for continued gains. Makes me wonder sometimes when I am in the middle of one of those puke-a-thon workouts if poliquin really goes home and rides the bike twice a day behind closed doors to lose weight.Caveat emperor(or whatever that saying is)

Thanks for the replies on this guys. I am into my second week on the program and so far it is working pretty good. I am on a modified fat fast/t-dawg diet in conjunction with it. Morded what type of diet did you use? You said a keto diet, any paticular one? Any other responses from those experienced with this program are appreciated.