Future In Sports Nutrition

Hi, this post is a little different but I think still pertains to the general field. I don’t have questions regarding my diet or my training but rather concerning a career in the field of Sports Nutrition! I’ve been inspired by people like Dr. Berardi, Mike Roussel, Dr. Lowery as well as many others in the field and hope to someday become part of it. I’m very passionate about Sports Nutrition and would like nothing more than to help train others to eat properly, train properly, and to understand the why’s behind it all. I’ll be attending UGA this fall and was wondering if anyone had any tips for me on how to get into the field or where I could possibly intern. Thanks for you time everyone! Good luck with your training!

Allen Ingle

If you have work study you might be able to work for the strength program. That would be a good place to start networking.

Thanks for the reply, I was beginning to believe I wasn’t going to have any luck here at T-Nation which surprised me because I already found a more extensive array of training and nutrition knowledge compiled into one website than any other website I’ve looked at. I checked with the work-study program at my college and it seems that athletic department doesn’t hire out of the work study program but its still something I’ll look into this fall. Any other suggestions? Once again thanks.

This may sound idiotic, but have you approached Berardi, Roussell or Lonman about interning with them? They’re all nice guys and I’m sure you’ll be better off speaking to them about it than on here.