Further Proof P. Robertson = Idiot


NORFOLK, Virginia (AP) – Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson says it is the God’s honest truth – he did, indeed, once leg-press a ton when he was almost 73 and had prostate cancer, and he still regularly lifts up to 1,200 pounds with his legs.

But he said he did the 2,000-pound lift on an incline leg press with the machine’s brake on, which means he did not have to lift the weight the whole way

We had another thread on this recently.

I was channel surfing last night and saw him talking about this with his fat old family doctor (the doctor did 2700 pounds).

To his credit his family doctor pointed out that they don’t do a full range of motion.

Robertson is a divisive figure and I disagree with much of what he does but I respect him for weight training at his age.

[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:
We had another thread on this recently.

I was channel surfing last night and saw him talking about this with his fat old family doctor (the doctor did 2700 pounds).

To his credit his family doctor pointed out that they don’t do a full range of motion.

Robertson is a divisive figure and I disagree with much of what he does but I respect him for weight training at his age.[/quote]

I would have to see those legs to even believe he does partial reps with that much. He just doesn’t look “swole”.

When I say partial rep I mean a small fraction of range of motion. Only a few inches.

Not what I would consider to be a legitimate useful partial rep to keep the muscle under tension.

[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:
We had another thread on this recently.

I was channel surfing last night and saw him talking about this with his fat old family doctor (the doctor did 2700 pounds).

To his credit his family doctor pointed out that they don’t do a full range of motion.

Robertson is a divisive figure and I disagree with much of what he does but I respect him for weight training at his age.[/quote]

Well put. But his stupid 2,000 pound bragging doesn’t do this “man of God” any favors.