Alright guys, I felt this would give a few of you a laugh.
This morning I went to my supplement shop to pick up some carnitine and another tub of whey.
As soon as I walked in some kid is making his way in too.
(To the big dude behind the counter)“Yo, whats the best weight gainer for like putting on mass yo?”
Big dude behind counter:“The smart gainer is a good one, maybe you can give that a try.”
Kid:“Aight yo cuz I just bought all this D-Bol and I want to you know, get huge and all. I want to get like massive and stuff. I bought 500 pills.”
Bid dude:“Ummmm, okay. Well have you been taking other stuff too? Like branch chains?”
Kid:“Whats that?”
Big dude:“Okay, have you been taking flax or fish oil?”
Kid:“Whats that shit? Yo Im just trying to put on all this size cuz I been working real hard and I got these D-bols now and like you know I need to get all huge. I just got out of the gym and my arms are like popping out of my shirt right now.” (No lie, he said this)
(Me muffling my laughter in the background)
Big Dude: How much do you weigh?
Kid:“125 right now.” (He was approximately 5’7")
Bid Dude:“Have you been eating alot during the day?”
Kid:“Yo I eat a few times a day, but you know im just trying to get big. Yo, im gonna go run home get my money and get that smart gainer ill be back.”
Big Dude:“THAT kid will soon be in the hospital.” (to me after he leaves)
And I was finally able to laugh after hearing this joker talk.
These are where people get the wrong impression of steriods.
This kid will be in the hospital soon enough cuz he doesnt take care of himself and he thinks that just popping a few pills will get him huge. The kid talked like a retard and I would be suprised if he had been training for more than a month.
I was kind of suprised how he came in right away and said, “Yo, I just picked up 500 D-Bol how can I get huge.”
The sad part is he had his little brother with him who was probably 10 years old. Maybe his older brother will give him a few pills to pop too…ya know, just to get huge and stuff yo.
I dont take steriods and I dont judge people who do, but this kid has got whats coming to him.
Any other people have stories like this? I just felt like sharing something that happened today.