Full Body Workout Advice

i wanted to start getting serious about my lifting and decided to do a 3 day workout, M.W.F w/tues/thurs off. decided to go w/a fullbody workout w/compound exercise after reading and searching on this website. my goal is to get stronger but also get bigger, which i know will mostly come from my food intake. here is my workout and feel free to critique and make changes if you feel necessary:

mon/wed/fri workouts

ex1 bb bench press 3x8
ex2 wide-grip seated row 3x8
ex3 bb incline bench press 3x8
ex4 lat pulldown 3x8
ex5 bb overhead press(military press)3x8
ex6 pullups 3x8
ex7 squats 3x8

i plan on doing this routine for a month, but thinking about that after 2 weeks, i want to switch the exercises from barbells to dumbbells, the cable rows to free weights, and the squats to deadlifts or leg press.
would this be okay?

should i do any cardio? if so for how long and which days? maybe tues/thurs?

thanks guys for taking the time

You obviously havent been around here long, have you? There are numerous pages in here about TBT, splits etc. So before this turns into one such thread, let me give you some constructive advice about what YOU have laid out, not what I think you should do.

Include more leg work. Every exercise up there is an upper body one except squats, and their put dead last when energy would be quite low too. However, putting them first pay prove troublesome as well.

Since I presume your a beginner, I think it would have been wise to post in the beginner’s forum.

All in all, I think you should pick a routine that many beginner’s do well on, like starting strength (in the beginner’s forum). That at least has you working lower body sufficiently, and oh look, its a program already set up for you. All you have to do is do it!

Hope this helps.

Look out for Professor X.


switching up after two weeks won’t do you any good. You want to focus on getting stronger on your lifts…stay with them until you can’t add weight to the bar or squeeze out more reps at least.

That whole “keep the body guessing” thing is bullshit…all it does is keep the body weak.

That being said…if you want a good TBT style routine there’s plenty to be found. Check out Chad Waterbury’s stuff.

#1. Search Bar. Please use.

#2. Beginners forum

#3. Stickies; read them…they are great.

When you feel the need to ask a question or post something; take a deep breath… count to 10, re-read what I’ve suggested and then make your choice.

Glad to see your cleaning yourself up man, good luck and welcome!

wait a minute… theres a fuk’n search bar on this site? Who’d a thought.

Do “starting strength” if you want a good full body workout.

[quote]B rocK wrote:
#1. Search Bar. Please use.

#2. Beginners forum

#3. Stickies; read them…they are great.

When you feel the need to ask a question or post something; take a deep breath… count to 10, re-read what I’ve suggested and then make your choice.

Glad to see your cleaning yourself up man, good luck and welcome![/quote]


[quote]elusive wrote:
wait a minute… theres a fuk’n search bar on this site? Who’d a thought.[/quote]

It is incredibly obnoxious to use though. I wish they would change it to not put results in a pop-up window.

hi ISI,

here’s a TBT routine I just tried and had success with. check it out:

I actually did a routine similar to that in January for 3 months. Upper/lower split. 3x8, it worked because I was a beginner. Starting strength would have better though. You do squats every workout and deadlifts every other workout for 5 rep sets. I wouldn’t do much cardio if you were trying to gain muscle, maybe once a week if you eat enough calories to support that and the growth.

thanks on the help guys.

i took all your advice and decide to go with the total body workout by Chad Waterbury. after im just about to complete the 1st week and when im in the gym, i really do feel like im getting a workout for the 1st time