Yo, is this a good plan for a beginner looking for hypertrophy through strength (because if you train to get stronger, and eat to get bigger, you will get huge right?)
A. Back Squat 4 x 6
B. T-Bar Row 4 x 6
C. Flat Bench Press 10 x 3
D. Decline Crunches 4 x 6
A. Deadlift 6 x 4
B. Military Press 6 x 4
C. Supinated Pulldown 6 x 4
D. Triceps Pressdown 4 x 6
A. Single Leg Press 3 x 12
B. Close-grip Bench Press 4 x 6
C. Upright Rows 3 x 12
D. Face Pulls 3 x 12
Also another question - I was originally going to do Waterbury Method, but I thought that it has too many exercises and that I should cut back down to just the basic lifts, and focus on getting progressively stronger in them.
[quote]Skrussian wrote:
Doesn’t actually look all that bad. Try it out and see what it does for you. What are you doing in terms of diet though?[/quote]
Diet is no problem. I can easily eat enough clean foods to put on weight. It’s just none of that seems to be quality mass.
[quote]Der Candy wrote:
Yo, is this a good plan for a beginner looking for hypertrophy through strength (because if you train to get stronger, and eat to get bigger, you will get huge right?)
A. Back Squat 4 x 6
B. T-Bar Row 4 x 6
C. Flat Bench Press 10 x 3
D. Decline Crunches 4 x 6
A. Deadlift 6 x 4
B. Military Press 6 x 4
C. Supinated Pulldown 6 x 4
D. Triceps Pressdown 4 x 6
A. Single Leg Press 3 x 12
B. Close-grip Bench Press 4 x 6
C. Upright Rows 3 x 12
D. Face Pulls 3 x 12
How about an Anatomical Adaptation phase, and 4 weeks of developing the trunk to facilitate sqauts and deads?
Yes, it is in fact a very good program for a beginner and very well constructed. The only thing I might change is on Friday do lunges instead of that leg thing, and maybe there are too many deadlifts on Weds but see how you go, it is easy to overdo the deadlift. BUT it should be OK.
[quote]Ruggerlife wrote:
Der Candy wrote:
I really appreciate the replies.
It has made me think, and so I have one last question.
I have two options for increasing my overal strength:
A) Train fullbody 3x a week focusing on compounds. (Maybe do some CW program)
B) Do Westside Program by Joe DeFranco.
Which one do you guys think I should do first? Any experienced lifters giving me their advice would be amazing.
Stick with yours and see how it goes. After a while you could always switch to DeFranco’s program.
Good luck and keep us posted.[/quote]
I will
I have been training since december and my gains have pretty much been zero. Yeah it’s embarassing. I realized that instead of doing the Superhero Program (lol) or training myself to get depressed I should focus on actually getting a base. I was already depressed from being so weak so there was no need to train myself to that state (and “back off”).
So enough rambling. I will report back in six months (I’ll do WSFSB in a few months).