You guys can tell me I’m stupid, I don’t mind. My next cycle will be fina at 75mg/day. That’s pretty standard. There’s no reason to frontload steroids with a short half-life. We all agree on that, and I’ve never frontloaded tren before, myself. Only the steroids with a half-life over 72 hours.
I seem to remember someone saying that they had great results frontloading tren before. But I don’t know where I saw it. As it is, it takes a little over 3 weeks for me to feelit, maybe 4 weeks. At 75mg/day, the active gear in your body at day 7 is just over 250mg. When is actually starts to kick in (week3-4), bloodlevels are about 350mg through the remainder of the cycle? (Right?)
Say frontloading maybe 250mg/day 1 and 175mg/day 2 (those numbers are not definite), then you reach your desired bloodlevels in the first week.
Does that sound right? I’m not completely crazy, I remember reading it somewhere before, I just don’t remember the response. You guys can call me kooky, has anyone tried it or is there something I missed? If nobody talks me out of it, I’m gonna guinea pig on myself.