Frontload or No?

Hey guys! I’m 32, 5’11", 205lbs, about 12% BF. Been lifting for about a good solid 7 years.

I did my first cycle over a year ago which was 300mg/week of Test E for 12 weeks along with Winni inj. @ 50mg EOD for last 6-8 weeks with a proper PCT of Nolva for 4 weeks. Really saw no side effect(No acne, no noticeable shrinkage, no hair loss, etc) but the gains i achieved which were amazing.

I plan to do my second cycle. Have everything i need already. I will also be doing Test E and Winni inj(all i could get for now). My goals are not to get too much bigger but more lean and cut. I asked a BB competitor friend of mine if i could get away with doing 250mg/week and then add the winni on top of that for again the last 6-8 weeks and he said I should be good to go since its been over a year since my last. He also said i an always bump it up mid cycle if im not seeing what i want. Im very familiar with Test E and how long it takes to kick in and so forth. I am highly visible in my profession and dont want any one to notice how quickly i blow up and make a fuss about and request i get tested.

AND if the 250 per week sounds ok can i or should i front load with 500 the first two weeks? I have read a lot of fuss about front loading “Don’t front load long esters”…“its awesome to front load long esters” and am just looking for more opinions. I realize the 250 per week is a lower dose than my first cycle but like i said imkreally concerned about it being to noticeable bc im already pretty stout and muscular and just want to shred up and add some lean hard muscle. I appreciate your guys’ time.

Front loading is adviseable IMO. Im surprised you got the results you did at the doses you used but thats great for you. If you wanna lean out you might consider different compounds

Yes. The answer is always yes.

I wouldnt cycle without frontloading on long esters.

I don’t frontload but I do throw in some short estered gear (at least for the first few weeks) when i am using long esters which is similar to a frontload.

Generally I use a multi-estered test as a base for the cycle which I find is enough of a kickstart but I have thrown in some mast prop, tren ace, or NPP as part of a kickstart as well. This is much more important if you are running an 8 week cycle vs say a 12+ week cycle…with only 8 weeks you really need to start seeing results fast.

Frontloading is useless with a short estered cycle, if 3 days is too long for you to wait for your gear to kick in you have problems.

I am trying a new approach this cycle by running a low dose of test and mast (200-300mg/w for each) with a moderate dose of primo (600-900mg/w) to get back to the shape I was in at the end of last cycle and then switching the primo to high dosed tren (500-700mg/w) or I may just drop the primo dose a bit depending on how my supply is looking…I am planning for the cycle to last about 5-6 months though so slowly building up and then blasting (I plan to run a few blast and cruises during the 5-6 months) makes more sense than if you were running only 8 weeks in which case I think you really need to be blasting the whole time.