Week 1-8 - Adex - .25mg/EOD (taper off weeks 9-10)
Week 1-9 - Caber - .5mg/E4D
Week 2-8 - HCG - ?mg/E3D (I used 250mg/E4D on my last cycle, but not sure how much to use on this one)
Weak 1-10 Dutasteride - .5mg/ED (prone to MPH, for the TestE)
Week 10-14 - Nolva - 40/40/20/20
I’m using TestE because 1, its more cost effective for me, 2, I’m not sure how I’ll respond to the Tren and if things go bad, I’ll drop it and just continue with E3D injects of Test.
Will I run into any issues front-loading the TestE on day 1 and simultaneously shooting the the TrenA at a regular dosage?
Also, what are your guys’ thoughts on my past cycles in relation to this proposed one as far as oil dosages. Am I being too conservative with the TrenA dosage? I’ve read some ridiculous side-effect stories, but then again idk if they were running well put together cycles…
[quote]Toby Queef wrote:
8 weeks seems pretty short for running Test E. What’s your reasoning behind this?[/quote]
Read the post. Not if I front-load.[/quote]
Why don’t you read your own fucking post you dolt. You didn’t say anything explaining your reasoning for the duration of the cycle. You asked our thoughts on this cycle in terms of dosage compared to your others. I’ll ask again, why only 8 weeks with a long-estered compound?
Nothing wrong with 8 weeks of Test E frontloaded IMO. In fact, 6-8 weeks of Test E would be my preferred cycle length, with orals or fast acting injectables in the last few weeks. I would use 250iu hCG E3D as a minimum.
The thing about Tren is you can plan out a cycle with some dose in mind, but you have to be prepared to adjust it. I think 60mg ED is a good place to start, that is what I started with. I would also throw in Dbol weeks 4-9 if you have it, maybe 30-50mg ED.
One thing you should be prepared for with Tren is it’s ability to assassinate your cardio. I found that 20-rep breathing squats which would normally be well within my capacity completely destroyed me on Tren. I found that including some active recovery exercises kept me from wanting to crawl into the nearest dark corner and die.
8 weeks of test e frontloaded is a good cycle. breeze to recover from.
Youre only using it for replacement though, seems like an irrelevant point to debate the length of the run.
400mg of tren is an OK starting dose. You’ll definitely get strong off of it. You’ll know if you get side effects by week 3. If you want to increase, go for it.
Without knowing how big you are its impossible to say if 600mg of aas is enough for growth. You should see some good body recomp though, if you eat right of course.