Front Squats

So yesterday I went to the gym to practice my clean and press so I started off with some front squats.

I was rather pleased that I was able to front squat 225x2 with my ass hitting my ankles.

I also found that I could clean and press 175 but I still need to work on my pressing form.

I normally just do powerlifting squats so I was wondering what should be the carry over to front squats ATG? I suspect my 225x2 isn’t all that good, but I was pretty happy with it.

It is a nice start! Keep on lifting!

What’s your PL squat? As far as I know, There is little carryover from PL to ATG, but there is a lot of carryover from ATG to PL.

Well post breaking my back, my max is 315 but that�??s coming up again. Last week I hit 315x3 on 2inches below parallel box squats.

[quote]undeadlift wrote:
What’s your PL squat? As far as I know, There is little carryover from PL to ATG, but there is a lot of carryover from ATG to PL.[/quote]

I agree with this. I can back squat PL style over 400lb, but my front squat is barely 250lb. I think part of it might be technique. I am so used to sitting back it is hard for me to sit strait down , but that is still a huge difference. I never really focused on front squats so I can’t really say there is a reverse carry over.

If your full, Olympic front squat is 225 and your powerlifting, parallel squat is 315 then you can front squat a lot for your back squat.

[quote]FightingScott wrote:
If your full, Olympic front squat is 225 and your powerlifting, parallel squat is 315 then you can front squat a lot for your back squat. [/quote]

Hmm good to know. I am guessing that’s because the front squat doesn’t put nearly as much stress on my back, which of course is my limiting factor.

I herniated a disc a while back, just getting back into squatting. Front squat is 270 ATG, back squat is only 275 or so…really have trouble sitting back, maybe for the same (psych?) reasons.

Might just keep with Oly style for both.

[quote]undeadlift wrote:
What’s your PL squat? As far as I know, There is little carryover from PL to ATG, but there is a lot of carryover from ATG to PL.[/quote]

Agreed. I also think there is some benefit to the deadlift as well if you are weak off the floor, though not as much as high bar ATG back squats.