From Xen to the Trolls

Oh those who cause me to type TSB. (TubeSteakBoogie)

I believe I have found a guide on identifying you in real life!

Visit that link and if that happens to be you please… reevaluate your life goals

disclaimer: For entertainment purposes only

I think I saw that guy at a frat party… or maybe it was the bars… oh wait, he’s the typical Metro-sexual DEUSCHBAG everyone can see wherever they open their eyes.

My advice is to immediately slap the shit out of this lightpower/quade/trollass bizzatch as soon as possible. When he seeks his hyuge 155 pound brother after you, I suggest you beat his ass as well for being such a tool!

maybe when they’re done being physically embarassed and fully engourged in mental anguish, they will go do a sixty sets of frat curls in the squat rack to warrant a further beating.

I don’t take well to these types of “badasses” in most regards.

Dude, that site is frickin’ awesome! It got me laughing this morning.

I think we should make a troll site, and every time someone posts obviously trolling, we’ll send them the link.

Kind of like:

I think we could add “Oliver” to the T-Nation slang vocabulary as a term for metrosexuals, or douchebags, or metrosexual douchbags.

(I can’t believe I’m actually warming up to this stuff. Must be the heat addling my brain; it’s supposed to hit a record 90+ in Rochester today. Glad I work out at 5:00am.)

what’s the big deal with popping the collar ? that’s why they’re made that way. keeps your neck from gettin’ fried… i guess it is preety gay indoors and at night. just like those frickn straw hats.

[quote]swivel wrote:
what’s the big deal with popping the collar ? that’s why they’re made that way. keeps your neck from gettin’ fried… i guess it is preety gay indoors and at night. just like those frickn straw hats.[/quote]

They pop the collar to hide the hickey they got last night while taking it up the man hole.

Oh, and that peace sign shit went out with the Vietnam war.

There was a guy back in the 50’s that said, “If hollywierd people started wearing toilet seats around their neck, most of America would follow suit.” This guy is living proof of that.

I love it when an Oliver gets realy mad at his buffy little g.f., but is too much of a wuss to even get a good angry going. Thats when I yell “hey, if you need a set of balls, I’m sure you can borrow HERS!”
A funny thing is that even my neice used to like to punch dudes like that. I wonder where she gets it?

Methinks someone around here may frequent :slight_smile: At least that’s where I saw that link for the first time…funny shit…

That was fucking hilarious. I will proudly give the pink shirted she-males the salute.

i think this is what would happen if we ganged up on one

Ah Lord Vader, he’s no Metro.

I saw a great Oliver last weekend. Picture this…Pink polo shirt untucked with the collar popped, white and black pinstripe pants draging the ground, sandels, hemp necklace, and college frat hat with the curry blond hair stickin’ out the back. I nearly pissed my self I was laughing so hard.


Are you trying to suggest that people should tuck in polo shirts?!

[quote]redsol1 wrote:
I saw a great Oliver last weekend. Picture this…Pink polo shirt untucked with the collar popped, white and black pinstripe pants draging the ground, sandels, hemp necklace, and college frat hat with the curry blond hair stickin’ out the back. I nearly pissed my self I was laughing so hard.


  1. That isn’t the peace sign, that is the British equivalent of the middle finger - the “two finger salute”.

  2. It is ridiculous that they are making fun of a guy for wearing glasses.

  3. There is absolutely nothing wrong with black undershirts.

Am I the only one that has a problem with the “cowboy” behind Oliver wearing his sunglasses indoors?

You guys are all really insecure. The sad part is, this site is full of Metrosexuals. A bunch of guys who are obsessed with their appearence, always trying to improve apon it. Always going out for a tan, shaving their entire bodies. Then they all line up infront of a bunch of other metrosexual men for judgement. What do you call these people? Bodybuilders! Metrosexuals are the same thing as bodybuilders. But you guys are too ignorant to see that. This entire site revolves around Metrosexualism.

Well - there’s the TSB queen fouling yet another thread with his semen soaked breath.


If you could refrain from practicing your raging techniques (I seem to be one to talk these days) you can really make an impactful statement at times.

Not agreeing, disagreeing, raging, ragging or anything else… just saying I can see you have a brain under there, man.

hahaha! thats hilarious!

yeah whats up with that popped collar thing?! it just happening evrywhere! lame.

I’m surprised no one caught the storm trooper doing this thing^^