I’m doing EDT for legs using leg extensions and leg curls w/ a 65% RM weight as one of my antagonist exercises (I do other EDT stuff aside from this on leg day). However, my gym is always crowded, and my EDT gets ruined multiple times whenever someone uses either machine while I’m using the other.
So I’m thinking of using Gironda’s 8x8 protocol for those two exercises instead. Since 8x8 also gives importance to density (30 seconds rest between each set), I think it’s a good substitute for EDT in a crowded gym.
Given the circumstances, am I thinking the right way? Is 8x8 a good alternative for EDT (for those 2 exercises at least, because my other EDT exercises are not that equipment intensive)?
Do 8x8 if you want, but I think you can make EDT work for those machines if you wanted. I presume you could maintain 1 machine, but not both. If so, pair a machine with a different antagonist exercise that allows you to “guard” your machine.
For example, dumbbell front squats with leg curl, dumbbell rom. deadlift with leg extension.
Or you could just abandon those machines. I haven’t used them in nearly ten years. I’m currently on an EDT cycle and the closest I ever get to those machines is Swiss ball leg curls.
Yeah, I was thinking about changing exercises, but I already do the exercises you mentioned. I don’t want to repeat them because I want to hit my leg muscles from different angles. The machines allow me to do so.
For example, the leg extensions have most tension on my quads when my legs are extended compared to squats or leg presses wherein the extended position has the least tension. RDLs work the hip extension part of my hams while leg curls work the knee flexion part (I’d definitely prefer GHRs over leg curls if we had an apparatus for that).
But thanks anyway, especially for the swiss ball leg curls idea. I’m gonna use them instead, I guess.